Part 16 (1/2)
(GRICE _re-enters through card room. They quickly turn their laughter into sobs and bury their faces in their handkerchiefs_.)
GRICE. (_Coming down_ C.) I have been lingering, my dear Miss Faraday, just to grasp your hand and whisper a word of cheer. Keep up your heart, my dear. Keep up your heart. Remember there are other fish in the sea--big fish. (_Bows and elaborately exits through card room_.)
CELIA. Old fool!--Isn't it a mercy I'm going to escape that sort of thing? There'd be a dozen more if I gave them a chance, but instead of that I'm going with you to Chicago to live and die a spinster with an unawakened soul.
AUNT IDA. (_In a high tragedy tone_) Celia, I have a queer feeling we're not done with this thing yet.
CELIA. Why, of course we are, you dear; the steams.h.i.+p tickets are up in my room and I'm going with you to-morrow when you leave on the noon train. What a brick you've been through it all, Aunt Ida, what a brick!
AUNT IDA. (_Laughing, then recovering herself and endeavoring to be moral. Crossing_ L.) You--you--you must never do it again, Celia.
CELIA. Well, it's hardly the sort of thing one _can_ do _very often_.
AUNT IDA. (_Seriously_) I never would have helped you send that notice to the Times, Celia, if--if--oh, dear. (_Breaks down and laughs.
Severely_) Oh, but I consider your whole att.i.tude _most_ immoral.
CELIA. (_Meekly_) Yes, Aunt Ida. I admit my behavior has been shocking and what a contrast to his. (_Laughs_.)
AUNT IDA. (_Reprovingly_) Celia!
CELIA. Poor Colonel Smith! What harm has he ever done? Was ever a career more blameless? He lifted me down from the shelf. _Dear Colonel Smith!_ He died just at the right moment. _Dear_ Colonel Smith. Oh, you know he was a true soldier. He did his work in silence. Well, peace to his ashes. Dear Colonel Smith! Good gracious, dear, it's getting late. It's time to dress for dinner. (_She seizes_ AUNT IDA _by the arm, gayly whirls her around, crosses and gets her m.u.f.f from table_.)
(_Enter_ PHYLLIS _through morning room_ R. _Runs down_ R. _of sofa, calling, ”Celia.” They resume att.i.tudes of grief_. AUNT IDA _exits through morning room, holding her handkerchief to her eyes_.)
PHYLLIS. (_Comes_ C. _to_ CELIA) Celia!
CELIA. Yes, dear.
PHYLLIS. I want you to help me. Bobby is frightfully tired. Don't you think that he and I could cut the Admiral's dinner party and dine quietly at home here? You could make it all right with the Admiral, Celia.
(_Enter_ MARTIN, _with salver and card_, L.IE., _leaves door open_.)
CELIA. I'll try, dear. Martin, there will be two for dinner after all.
PHYLLIS. And may we dine in the little morning room here? (_Indicating morning room_.)
CELIA. In the morning room?
PHYLLIS. It will be more snug.
CELIA. Oh, very well, then, Martin. Dinner in the morning room.
(MARTIN _offers card to_ CELIA.) I haven't time to see anyone now.
(_Crosses_ R. _to door_) Who is it?
MARTIN. Colonel James Nugent Vavasour. He was sure that you would consent to see him, Miss, when you saw this card.