Chapter 214 (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 30090K 2022-07-22


at 12th of August 2019 12:45:08 PM

Chapter 214

”Chuck,” stated Joseph as he cast the spell REBUILD .

All of the damage that the imugi had caused was immediately restored .

”That's handy, Joseph,” said Chuck appreciatively .

”Yeah, DIGGITE was pretty awesome for giving me bonuses to REBUILD . I only slightly altered it to focus on genes, and created GENETIC REWRITE, and the bonuses still applied . I can also use it to write books from just a book and ink . It's really gone to a higher level than just rebuilding broken things . ”

”I'm happy for you,” laughed Chuck, showing that he didn't understand it at all .

”Yeah, let's go get META and go back home for me to study it . ”


They were approaching a giant city .

”Somewhere in that city is a library with META,” said Joseph in excitement .

”Searching that city is going to be awful, Joseph,” said Stella, with a frown .

”No, the gnomes had a map of the city in one of the books I found . 'Gnoel's Guide To The Continents, Everywhere You Ever Wanted To Know About But Couldn't Actually Get To . ' If half the stuff in it was true, this realm will be amazing after I restore it . ”

”You intend to make it all true, don't you?” she asked with a laugh .

”Of course! It sounded interesting . The Star Tower should be south of the palace and the arch up there should be Gate of Timor . I have no idea who that is . Dantares was much farther west from here and I don't remember any of my from prince school . ”

”I think you probably had tutors, Joseph . ”

”Whatever, I still don't remember anything from my lives that long ago, unless they were ecstatic, or traumatic . ”

”Ouch, you have a lot of the traumatic stuff . ”

”Yeah, it's gonna be ok . Fighting that Imugi gave me some new ideas on overcoming mana null . I think I just need to surpa.s.s mortal magic . Try not to step on any more of these corrupted things then you have to Chuck . ”

”I'm trying, but the streets are narrow . ”

”Turn southwest at the next street, and it should lead straight on . ”

”These buildings have survived really well, Joseph . But, what do you mean by mortal magic?”

”Tibbles said NECROMANCY helped, right? It was a clash between two divinities, but NECROMANCY was still able to help . Even now, in the new body I built her, I can't touch any of mom's soul with magic . ”

”And that means?” asked Stella, trying not to think about the body in her purse .

”The runes can touch her soul, but I can't with magic . It just means I need to reach beyond magic that I can currently do, and instead to magic on the level the runes can do . ”

”I don't get it . ”

”It's ok . It should be visible in only another two or three minutes . ”

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”Wow, that's a tall building . ”

”Oh, you can already see it?”


”Wow! Stella, it's over a hundred stories! Wait . What's that?”

”Is that a bunch of giant snakes? They're 40 feet tall! Joseph, they're headed to the tower!”

”SHAVIST . I can't go any faster and still push all the corrupted mana out of the way!”

”Joseph, all those snakes are connected . It's a hydra!” Stella's voice gave away her panic and fear .

”Stella, this realm shouldn't have hydras . System, did another divine intervention occur?” he asked, not bothering to ask in his head .