Chapter 213 (1/2)
at 12th of August 2019 12:45:09 PM
Chapter 213
”We have to behead it, and pull out its heart in order to kill it,” said Stella, ”a.s.suming it hasn't eaten unicorn . ”
”It's a good place to start!” shouted Chuck, flying at the imugi with one hand outstretched to grab it by its neck, and the other c.o.c.ked back to punch it .
As the beast drew closer to them with a roar of its own, its body seemed to writhe in the air, side to side as a snake would slither . A great hood opened along either side of its head as Chuck tried to grab it, and his hand slid along its scales, unable to grab anything . Using his fist, he was able to shove its gaping mouth away before it chomped down with enough force, it blasted them back, away from it .
The imugi raked its tiny claws along Chucks side, not causing any damage at all, and then tried to wrap its lower body around him . With a quick flap of his wings, they lifted out of the constriction attack, and Chuck kicked it in the face as it tried to bite him again .
It fell back with a shake to its head, then charged at them again . Chuck roared back, snapping his jaws back at it, and dived . It struck at his arm, and he snapped onto its hood, tearing a chunk loose as it screamed in pain and rage .
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”I need to remember to put some popcorn in my purse,” murmured Stella as Chuck spat the tainted meat out .
”Don't you have like a thousand cookies in there?” asked Joseph as he guided the mech to dive at the injured creature .
”Focus!” snarled Chuck as it struck at him, managing to latch on to his shoulder this time, and quickly wrapped itself around him .
Flying higher, he struggled against its coils, finally getting an angle to bite it back . Snapping his jaws shut on one of the front legs, he twisted and jerked, ripping the leg off, and spitting it far away .
The imugi screamed in pain, letting go of his shoulder and he was able to grab its ma.s.sive head, screaming back in its face, before chomping down on it . It writhed, whipping itself back and forth, and freeing itself from his grasp . He climbed higher, panting hard, and watched as it flew around him furious and in pain .
Screaming, it dived at him, and he dodge to the side, swiping at it as it pa.s.sed, and it curved around, latching onto his leg . Chuck roared and immediately dived towards the ground, cras.h.i.+ng hard on top of it, and proceeded to punch it over and over again, until it finally let go . Hissing at him, it went to strike again, and he threw himself to the side, causing it to miss . As it slid past, he s.n.a.t.c.hed at one of its back legs, ripping it off .
The imugi screamed again, turning and striking at him, biting down on one of his wings . Chuck roared in pain, falling back on top if it, and clawed at it, trying to dislodge it from his back . Growing his claws sharper and longer, he started stabbing it over and over . It finally let go of his wing and struggled to escape . He flipped over, grunting as he landed on his hurt leg, straddling the giant snake monster, and shoved all his claws into its back, trying to rip long gashes into its hide .
It twisted to bite at him again, and he leaned over, out of its reach, realizing its body was beginning to coil around him again .
”This thing just won't give up!” growled Chuck, reaching over and biting off its other front leg .
”Of course not!” hissed Joseph, fighting against the strength of its muscled body . ”It's an abomination!”
”Oooh, I found some chocolate peanut b.u.t.ter no bake cookies that I forgot were in here,” exclaimed Stella in excitement .