Chapter 201 (1/2)
at 30th of July 2019 12:50:08 PM
Chapter 201
Joseph sat back, crossed his arms and regarded the ceiling above him . An old spiderweb dangled in the corner, so full of dust, he figured none of the cleaning golems had made it up to this floor in a long time .
”The only reason you regaining your power is worth anything to me, is because you can give me stuff without me having to purchase it through the system,” he said, not making eye contact with the G.o.d .
”That's true,” said the gnome, nodding his head in thought .
”The biggest concern you have here, is that NURKONG will send his demon minions, now that the city is raised, and take it over, thus stealing you of an opportunity of regaining your strength . ”
”Yes, that is also true . ”
”Well, I have a realm to save, and you are wasting my time,” said Joseph, climbing to his feet .
”Wait! Are you going to help me? I said I would give you a good reward if you could!” cried the gnome G.o.d, jumping to his feet in panic .
”Of course, I'm going to help you . It will only take a few moments of my time, but sitting here and discussing what I'm about to do, instead of just doing it is annoying and time consuming . ”
The gnome nodded quickly to himself, wiping sweat from his brow before Joseph grabbed his shoulder and teleported the two of them next to Stella .
She was cleaning imaginary dirt out of her fingernails with the G.o.d-killing blade Joseph had made her, while the little brownie trembled in fear . Joseph wasn't sure exactly what was said, but the situation seemed to be in control .
”Stella, a magical contract please . ”
She didn't hesitate, pulling one out of her purse, and handing it to him, along with a long-feathered quill .
”I, Joseph Aurum, do swear to cause the gnomes in the city to wors.h.i.+p their G.o.d, and remove them and the brownies to a safe place until I can restore the safety of the realm back in order . The gnomish G.o.d will reward me until I am satisfied, in the future, but no more than ten years from now . Breach of contract will result in the gnome G.o.d giving all of his acc.u.mulated divinity to the system, and his corpse to me . ”
As he spoke the words, they appeared on the contract, and the G.o.d swallowed audibly . ”What's the quill for?” he stammered .
Joseph looked at him, as he stabbed his finger with the quill, and dabbed the spot of blood onto the bottom of the contract, before handing the quill to the G.o.d . Taking it, he looked over the contract one more time before swallowing again . Stabbing his own finger, he quickly dabbed the tiny speck of blood onto the contract, then watched as it rolled itself up and disappeared .
”What kind of quill is this, that it could draw blood on a G.o.d?” he asked, examining the quill in surprise .
s.n.a.t.c.hing it back, Stella returned it to her purse, as Joseph clasped his hands behind him .
”I placed a fragment of bone from the lesser G.o.d I killed on the tip . I wasn't sure it would work, but you have proved it would . ”
Surprise and understanding dawned on him, as the gnome shook his head . Even now, during such an important event, Joseph was experimenting and planning for his fight with NURKONG . It wouldn't be long now; the gnomish G.o.d knew, before Joseph was strong enough to go against the evil G.o.d .
Joseph turned to the brownie, who was still watching Stella in fear .
”Where do you keep your seeds, little annoying one?”
With her eyes clear for the first time in ages, she turned to look at Joseph in confusion .
”Why would you care? I don't intend to sow any with you!”
With a shrug he half turned away .
The brownie went completely still . She could barely breath as every muscle immobilized in her body .
a.n.a.lYZE PLANT .
Strangely enough, this brownie was more plant than animal . Joseph was looking forward to this next bit .