Chapter 200 (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 27110K 2022-07-22


at 30th of July 2019 12:50:09 PM

Chapter 200

Joseph watched Stella talk to Gnorma through a second story window, before turning towards the stairs that would take him up to the attic s.p.a.ce . He had known from the moment he laid eyes on the small woman, that she wasn't who she was pretending to be, and her madness was being held at bay by the same pin that camouflaged her appearance . It didn't remove the madness, so every time she took it off, her mind slid a little further away .

Taking the small stairs two or three at a time, he arrived at the very top floor of the palace, and saw the man reclining in a rocker by the window, almost immediately . His hair was pure white, and his pointed ears stuck out from his head in cla.s.sic gnome fas.h.i.+on . Turning his head, he gave Joseph a smile, and patted the bench next to him as an invitation to sit .

”Don't worry,” chuckled the gnome, ”I guarantee it won't buckle under your weight . ”

Joseph studied the gnome G.o.d, who was sitting before him so calmly, and wondered what was going on . No other G.o.d would willingly present themselves before him in the flesh, for fear of him killing them .

”I'm not here for you to kill me, and I definitely don't mean you any harm, I just want to have a decent conversation with you, without having to go through that system's editing channel . I want you to hear exactly what I say . ”

Joseph nodded, still suspicious, and sat down on the bench . It wasn't very comfortable, and his unease grew .

”You have caused a G.o.d a lot of grief and made a lot of G.o.ds scared of you, so I thought it would be good if I met you in person, so you knew that I was not an enemy . ”

”I understand your words, but this still seems odd to me, with the servant you chose to use below, having killed off all of the royal family, and not actually being a gnome . ”

”My gnomes stopped following me, right before the attack on the World Tree . They had decided they didn't need me anymore, and were ready to announce to the world, and their common people, that I was no longer needed . The attack occurred before they could do that, and they came running back to me, pleading for me to help them . The lack of prayer from them, caused my powers to weaken, so while I was able to protect them by sinking the city and creating the barrier, I had to resort to drastic measures . ”

”The brownies,” guessed Joseph .

”Yes . The G.o.d they prayed to, had been killed a couple of months before the attack, and they were desperate to find one to take them on . The elven G.o.d refused them, on the basis that they did nothing but hara.s.s the elves . Though that mischief is designed into their genes . ”

Joseph nodded thoughtfully . That explained why Stella hated Gnorma so much . They were a common enemy with each other, even though she had never had the interactions with a brownie in this life, she had plenty of memories .

Stella had explained to him, while they were in the bubble, that Sylva had so many more memories than her, she had struggled with keeping herself separate from who Sylva had been . They had devised a way for him to create a barrier of magic in her mind, to keep herself separate, without losing all of the memories of Sylva in the process . Occasionally an emotion of Sylva's still bled through though, because he didn't really understand emotions that well .

”Why is there a brownie here, and why are you here to talk to me?” asked Joseph .