Chapter 198 (1/2)
at 30th of July 2019 12:50:11 PM
Chapter 198
”G.o.d?” she squeaked, scrambling to her feet .
”I was just intending to come get the map, and then leave, because I have an entire world to save, but your G.o.d asked me specifically to save your city, and to raise it to the surface . I won't do that though, if I don't get my map . Your G.o.d might be a little ticked with you, as well,” said Joseph, sticking his hands into his pockets with a shrug .
She licked her lips and glanced around him at the map room, obviously thinking hard . ”Follow me, she said, beckoning them with one hand as she moved further into the library .
Stella raised an eyebrow as they moved to follow her . Joseph kept an eye out for any types of traps, but didn't see anything . He couldn't put his finger on what was giving him a feeling of unease, but he wanted to make sure whatever it was, he wasn't caught off guard .
The door she opened was small for a gnome, and thus almost impossible for them, but they managed, getting down on their knees and crawling through it . The hall on the other side was short, and then the following room opened up again, allowing them an opportunity to stand unimpeded .
Joseph looked around as the gnome started lighting the oil lamps around the room .
As the room filled with light, far better than the lamps ever had a prayer of providing, the gnome stopped and went to turn off the ones she had lit . Joseph ignored her, though, as he slowly turned, taking in the immense map that this room offered . The walls and ceiling had been carved to form the inside of a sphere . This map didn't just show one area, it showed the entire world, at least, the world as it was known several hundred years ago . Joseph was able to match this map up almost perfectly with what he had seen from s.p.a.ce .
”This room was built for me, when I was tiny, by my father, to keep me from messing with things,” said the gnome . ”No one was ever allowed to go in here, except for me . ”
”So nice of you to share it,” sneered Stella, before stepping back when Joseph glanced at her . He knew that she was just voicing his own thoughts, but he wanted her to be a bit more diplomatic .
”Hey, I don't have to be nice to you . You're not the savior,” sneered the gnome right back, putting her hands on her hips . ”You're just a lackey puppet that follows him around like a needy golem . ”
Joseph grabbed Stella's arm as she went still . He was suppressing her killing aura from actually harming the little gnome, and gave her a warning look . She took a breath and the aura went away, then she stepped into his shadow and disappeared .
The gnome gasped in surprise .
”Please don't antagonize my fiancé,” he warned in a low voice . ”She doesn't have a problem stepping on bugs . ”
”Where did she go?” asked the gnome in a whisper .
”She's venting her anger at your idiotic words . I don't think you want her around here, for a while . ”