Chapter 197 (1/2)
at 30th of July 2019 12:50:12 PM
Chapter 197
”Do you know who I am?” asked Joseph, looking at her carefully . Did she look familiar?
With a sigh, she removed her spectacles, that she was using to read the very small print in her book, and set them down on the table . Turning her full attention to them, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms .
”For one, you're not a gnome . For two, I've never seen you before . For three, only the royal family is allowed in here, and you're not of the gnomish royal family . For four, us gnomes are taught from a very young age the prophecies regarding our imprisonment, and our rescue . I could continue, but logic would dictate that you would have to be the savior Joseph . ”
Stella looked at him, waiting for him to say something . Joseph nodded thoughtfully, looking her up and down .
”Then you must be a princess, or the queen?”
”Since I'm female, yes, I would have to be one of those two . ”
Stella was gritting her teeth, and Joseph sighed . ”Stella, you may not kill her just because she is being annoying . ”
”But she's being rude to you! No one should be rude to my king!” Stella glared at her, no doubt envisioning all the ways she wanted to kill her . Joseph wanted to think she would just hurt her, make her kneel, but he knew better .
”She doesn't know that I am a king,” he said, turning towards the door to the map room . It wasn't worth the effort to argue and try to wheedle information out of the gnome . She was being a brat, but that didn't mean Stella should just kill her .
”She could show some respect for her 'savior', as they keep calling you . ”
The gnome rolled her eyes, before picking up her and going back to reading . Joseph ignored Stella's comment, agreeing with her to an extent . The other gnomes had been in obvious awe at seeing him, and he had rather enjoyed it . This gnome, he knew, would be evil, and if being a brat was her form of evil, he would take it .
Pausing at the door, he checked to make sure there weren't any traps, or other nuisance devices, before opening it . Inside was a table, covered with a large parchment, carefully detailed with the surrounding lands . He was reminded of the cartographer his father had taken him to as a young boy, and wondered briefly whatever happened to him, before turning his attention to the map .
”Stella, why didn't you like that gnome in the other room?” he asked, as he walked around the table, studying the map . ”You don't normally act so hostile to individuals we just meet . ”
”She was unnecessarily rude . She didn't have to talk down to you like you were a child . ”
”Has it occurred to you that she may have no one else to speak to? I imagine she may have grown up here, alone, with only these books to occupy her time . If she truly is evil, as the barrier seems to suggest, then leaving this area, to mingle with the other gnomes would cause her constant pain . ”