Chapter 177 (1/2)
at 10th of July 2019 12:35:13 PM
Chapter 177
The beast kin in his council looked anywhere but at him .
”What happened to all of those bunnies?” he asked, standing .
”Your majesty,” said the eagle-kin, ”the healers have been getting better at casting the RELIEVE MADNESS spell…”
”Shavist! Why wasn't I told?! This isn't a joke or a training opportunity!”
”Joseph, why are you so upset?” asked his father, confused . ”None of us think this is a joke! We all believe very strongly, that you are a very busy person . It was decided by the council, when we found out, to do the best we could, without you, and we are telling you at the very first opportunity . ”
Joseph's face was red in anger, as he turned away from the confused looks of his council . He closed his eyes and counted to ten .
'Need me to do anything?' asked Joe, softly in his head .
'I need the anger from that shavist G.o.d, to go away . I don't understand why it's still around!'
Joe was silent afterwards .
”Joseph?” said Stella, stepping forward, ”Are you alright?”
”I'll be fine, just give me a moment to gain control of myself . ”
They all waited as he composed himself .
”Alright . I apologize for my outburst . When I defeated the last lesser G.o.d, he left a few lingering after affects that I am still dealing with . I am sure that I will overcome them eventually . Please, have all of the affected bunny-kin gathered for me to cure them of their madness . I greatly appreciate the efforts of those healers who have spent so much of their time trying to deal with this, but I am afraid something of this magnitude cannot be overlooked . ”
A young wolf-kin nodded at his request and hurried from the room to have them gathered .
”Please, while they are gathering, allow us to continue with your reports,” Joseph said, making himself overly pleasant in an attempt to quell the rage that was simmering . This could not be allowed to continue .
'That did nothing, Joe,' Joseph thought as a small bat-kin woman stood up .
”There have been several cases of **** reported, that were unique enough, we thought it best to bring them before you . ”
”Alright, let's hear them . ”