Chapter 174 (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 57080K 2022-07-22


at 27th of June 2019 01:35:04 PM

Chapter 174: 174

It took them a month to finally destroy the last arena . Stella watched as Joseph seemed to shake as he changed the death mana over to life mana . He had changed . She worried about him, as the link between them told her of his struggle with the rage that seemed to have rooted in his mind . Joe had grown silent, not joking as much as he had, trying to distance himself from this new Joseph .

”It's time,” he said, turning to her . His eyes had mostly returned to normal, but there was still a ring of black around the outside edges . She took his hand, giving it a squeeze and a smile of encouragement . There wasn't much she could do for him; she had already checked with the system .

Closing his eyes for a moment, Stella could feel him trying to hold back on the rage that was threatening to spill out . He was just so angry, and she wasn't sure why .

She swallowed the moment of nausea from the teleport, and floated free of him, to give him s.p.a.ce to cast his spells .

Below them was a ma.s.sive arena, similar to all the smaller ones they had been destroying, but in the center of this one, instead of tortured people, there was a ma.s.sive alter . She could see a misty form taking shape on the pillar, and knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was Nikmesh, trying to manifest himself .

The scream of four huge building sized rocks vibrated her teeth as Joseph cast four SKYFALL spells in quick succession . She raced to get behind him, knowing that they would hit with the force of 80-90 tons of TNT each .

”You have two minutes before they hit, Stella . They're coming from orbit . Kill those demon wors.h.i.+ppers . ”

She didn't hesitate, trusting Joseph completely . She stepped through his shadow, and stepped out of the closest demon wors.h.i.+ppers shadow, using her shadow-jump technique . Slicing his throat, she had moved through his shadow to the next guy before the blood could spray .

Things became very chaotic after she killed the first three . Joseph started throwing fireb.a.l.l.s at them as they tried to flee, or started chanting to cast a spell . She paused to avoid a fireball, before jumping to the next guy, when the leader caught her eye . He looked like the elder that had led the council that cursed Sylva .

”Joseph,” she said, appearing out of his shadow, ”The leader looks like someone I used to know, named Sophus . ”

”Doesn't matter, there isn't time to deal with him . Kill him before the Skyfall's. .h.i.t . ”

Every time she got near him, Sophus moved . She gave up on him, focusing on killing the lesser members of his little party . She went for the next guy, noticing Sophus again out of the corner of her eye, when she felt Joseph teleport her back to him . The time wasn't up, what was going on?

She looked down at a circle that had suddenly appeared, close to where she had been . Was that a summon? She wasn't sure .

A man stepped forward, out of the circle and looked around, before spying them .

Sophus was watching from the wall he clung to like some demonic c.o.c.kroach .

”Ah! I've been reincarnated into my favorite galge!” the guy cried in delight .

”What?” asked Stella, glancing at Joseph in confusion .

”Don't worry, Stella,” said the guy . ”I know you're not human, but that's ok . You don't need to be ashamed . I'm going to grab the elven princess first, then the fire witch . I'll come back for you in a bit . ”

”What is he talking about?” asked Stella, noting the flames growing in Joseph's eyes .

”I'm going to go the harem route, so I'll have to collect you last . I have it on good authority that you are especially enthusiastic once you're tamed…”




Sophus cackled, ”Nikmesh is a G.o.d of wrath . Be consumed by your anger and become his vessel!”

Stella jerked in surprise at his words . The whole summoning had been a trick to fuel the rage that had been in Joseph's head for the past month!

Joseph grabbed at his head, and Stella could feel something clawing at his mind through the link . There was no way in h.e.l.l she was going to lose him to some d.a.m.n evil G.o.d!

Rus.h.i.+ng over to him, she grabbed both his cheeks and kissed him .

The clawing and rage dissipated and she backed away, watching him blink in surprise .