Chapter 170 (1/2)
at 27th of June 2019 01:35:10 PM
Chapter 170
”Dad, we are leaving in the morning to find the gnomes again . What was it you wanted to talk to me about?”
”Son, when do you think you and Stella will be getting married?”
”Dad, even you?”
”I'm not trying to rush you son, I just want an estimate . ”
”I'm not sure dad . It all depends on Stella . I'm not going to until she's ready . ”
”That is admirable but you've already had 10 years together and 9 completely unsupervised . ”
”Yep, and it may take another 10 or 100, I don't know . Wizar life spans are 4 times what a human would have, so you and mom should both be just fine in 100 years . ”
”I'll never make it that long with your mother, son . ”
”Listen, dad . Stella was hunted down by men, at least every week, sometimes several times a week, as a child . Ever since she was 4 or 5 . The neighborhood boys had intentions too . It's a lot of trauma . ”
”And you can't just fix it with magic?”
”I took away her scars when I was adding her tattoos, but no dad . ”
”Stella has tattoos?”
”Focus dad . ”
”Sorry . ”
”I could fix her mind with magic, but she is trying to overcome it on her own . I know she loves me and she knows I love her . I told her after the wedding we are doing the whole honeymoon thing until she can't get out of bed . I don't want any, I'm not really ready, shavist . Go means go . I'm sure I would stop myself if she really freaked out and started crying, but that would totally ruin the moment for us . ”
”You and her really did talk this out . ”
”Absolutely . She's the love of my lives and my best friend . When we make love the first time, it is going to be epic . I refuse to let it be anything else, by rus.h.i.+ng her . Even for you and mom . ”
”No, I understand son . I'm proud of you . I don't think I could have spent 10 years with your mother and still held myself back at all . ”
Joseph shrugged . ”I know everyone already a.s.sumes Stella was used for that, since we were children . ”
”I'll keep your mom off your back as best I can . ”
”Thanks, dad . ”
Joseph shook his head as he arrived back in his study . Stella was still sitting on the bench reading her book, but Joseph knew that she was waiting for him to tell her what was going on . She could feel his annoyance through their link .
”Everyone has settled down for now . Nidhogg has been busy counting coins . The system should keep going and Daisy can contact me for emergencies . I can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something, but since that is actually impossible, it must just be nerves . ”
”So, we're leaving now? I thought we were leaving in the morning?” she asked, closing her book and setting it down .
”I think now is a wonderful time to leave, before some other shavist comes up to stop us . I did an orbital visit, and found the gnome towns, so I know where we're going . ”
”Joseph! You shouldn't do things like that without me!”
”Sorry, Stella, but I wanted to double check, because it didn't make sense that I didn't see them last time . ”
”So, why did you miss them last time?” she asked, rising up from the bench and stepping next to him .
”Clouds,” he said, grumpily, taking her hand .
”This is the city you saw?” asked Stella, looking around at the people who had paused what they were doing, to stare at them .
”Yes, one of three . ”
The results he got from his spell didn't look right . Maybe it had an error?
These people didn't look like gnomes, because they weren't completely gnomes .
”Joseph, why so surprised?” asked Stella, as he shook his head .
”This can't be right…”
”That doesn't… maybe? Stella, I think they are mixed . ”
”They have gnome, dwarf, elf, a lesser fey than your tribe, a little orc, possibly goblin, but only traces, so I'm not certain, and at least some lycanthropy, but it appears to have mutated and gone dormant . ”
”Ok . So, what does that mean?” she asked, as the people started to whisper to each other . Thankfully none of them were close enough to hear them .