Chapter 169 (1/2)
at 27th of June 2019 01:35:11 PM
Chapter 169
Joseph was standing at the front gates, where he had teleported when informed by his father, via the message system, that Laeroth had arrived, escorted by a dozen other elves .
”Joseph,” he said, cheerfully .
”Laeroth, is everything ok? You look well, but did something happen to the forest?”
”No, everything is fine . Better than fine, actually . The priests at the temple are getting revelations again . I was told to come to you, to learn magic with mana, as you promised . I was given a destiny to be the Elven archmagi . ”
”Really? That's wonderful for you . I can give you some pointers, but I am going to have to leave soon, to look for gnomes again . I'm only here still, because I missed everybody and wanted to set things up for them to continue working while I'm gone . I'll introduce you to the heads of each rune later, as sort of an exchange student . I'll talk to your king about what he owes me for this later . ”
”Joseph, I thought you said you would teach me, though?” said Laeroth, confused .
”Oh, I'd teach you as a favor, but if you want to pa.s.s it on to the other elves, I want something . If you are the elven archmagi, then obviously you are going to be teaching others . ”
Laeroth thought about that for a minute and then nodded .
”Fair enough, I guess . Just don't charge him too much . ”
”Oh, don't worry . It will probably be tax breaks and such, for my kingdom's merchants . It makes a lot more money long term, and we both stay friends . ”
Dun-Khan came running up, ”KENRICK!”
He was second only to Chug, as the border patrol, so it must be something important for him to come personally .
”Dun, what is wrong?”
Stella motioned for the elf to follow her, while she directed him to one of the a.s.sistants to see to their lodging . He could easily see that Joseph was busy, and had no problems leaving .
Dun was panting as he approached . ”My Kenrick! Men from the north are coming . But they are strange . They travel with women and children, and no supplies or weapons . ”
”King Joseph?” came a soft voice in his head .
”Yes, Daisy?”
”I just received a report from the mountain, that a group of people has been spotted approaching the mountain from the north . Some bird-kin are going to investigate more, but I was told to inform you quickly . ”
”Thank you, Daisy . The patrol just told me . ”
”But how?” she asked puzzled .
Joseph smiled . She probably thought he was still in the castle . Her range had improved immensely over the past couple of weeks . ”The barbarians probably have signals, caws, or even hand signs to convey information . You should try and work some with Chug and the other hunters . It might broaden your perspective and help you with your magic more . ”
”Oh! Thank you, Joseph…er, King Joseph . ”
”Thank you for reporting, Dun . You got the message to me faster than the mages . Your teams should be proud . I will go and check on this . ”