168 Chapter 165 Fun Destruction (1/2)
”Joseph, I'm bored with all of these meetings. Can't we go have some fun?”
”Stella,” said Joseph with a laugh, ”I need to do kingly things if I'm going to be a king. You can go do stuff, that you find… fun?”
”But I want to do things with you…NOT THAT WAY!” she growled as a look crossed over his face.
Selena walked up just then, and Joseph jumped to save himself.
”Selena! I figured out a way to cast a modified CAGED SUN, so you can learn it.”
”I would love to learn that spell, little Joseph. FIRE will be so pleased!”
She clapped her hands, and Stella groaned. ”More kingly stuff,” she said, crossing her arms.
”No, you'll enjoy this. I promise,” Joseph said as Selena joined them. ”Jump to my shadow, and I'll take us somewhere we can play.”
Stella looked at him for a moment, then nodded and stepped into his shadow, seeming to disappear.
”That's handy,” said Selena, looking behind him.
”Your hand?” he said, holding out his hand.
”Little Joseph, mind your manners, FIRE will burn you if you step out of bound.”
Joseph chuckled as he took her hand.
Stella stepped out of his shadow, as soon as they arrived on the peak of a mountain. Below them was a very familiar crater.
”Why are we back here?” asked Stella, curiously.
”Where are we?” asked Selena, uncomfortably.
”This is where the beast-kin came from. The realm that Joseph was sent to by the evil G.o.d Nurkong,” explained Stella, looking at Joseph with a raised eyebrow.
”I have two spells that I'm going to teach you, and I would rather not hurt my realm, if things go wrong.”
Both of them were too surprised by that, to comment. Stella looked more suspicious, honestly.
”This is the CAGED SUN I remade, just with FIRE. Though, you should know, you are the only one who could cast it with pure FIRE.”
Joseph proceeded to draw the rune with mana, but prevented the rune from actually activating. He wasn't sure he could actually cast the spell, short of draining the mana from the generator. It would be interesting to see if Selena really could cast it.
”It's a good thing I have a big sister to remind me I still have a long way to go for mastery,” he said, as she circled around, studying the rune.
It only took her three minutes to understand it.
”Ah, I see now. That makes sense.”
She stepped back and began to draw the rune.
”Wait! Make sure you aim it over that way!” Joseph said quickly, and she turned at the last second.
Joseph watched, amazed, as FIRE helped her with the mana needs. The miniature sun burned fiercely, as if it had a personality of its own.
Selena jumped up and down like a little girl, thanking FIRE for helping. ”Little Joseph! FIRE is so happy I was able to do this!”
Her caged sun wasn't even leaking radiation, in case it might hurt her.
”OK. Now I have another spell for you.”
With that, she waved, and the sun faded into the world of flame, without the need of GATE to vent it, or anything. Stella only chuckled at Joseph's look of disbelief.
”That's the look your apprentices have when you demonstrate your spells,” she said.
”I still obey the rules of magic, Stella. Sis Selena, is just ridiculous. I'm glad she's on our side!”
Stella laughed, shaking her head as Selena came up.
”Little Joseph, what other spell will you show me?”
”Actually, I just thought of something I want to try, too.”
Turning to look at a nearby mountain Joseph began to draw a rune for her to see.
She had in it under thirty seconds.
”Ooh! I like being your new race. My memory and learning speed are so much faster now! I won't forget anything my lover tells me.”
Joseph turned towards Stella, worried for FIRE for a moment, before he figured the guy(?) could probably handle himself.
”Watch this one, too!” he called to her as he started to draw yet another rune.
”I selected gasoline. I could do jet fuel, but it costs slightly more, and I wanted to make the spell over a large area. I thought about atomized coal particles, like in a powerplant generator, but decided against that, too. The gla.s.s spheres the craftsmen are making, are full of jet fuel though. You see that new purple rain cloud over there?”