141 Chapter 138 Josephs Mom Is... (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 27670K 2022-07-22

She then grabbed up a plate and turned to leave, pausing at the door. ”Joseph, Selena was here, to see you.”

”Oh! I was hoping to see her soon! I need her help with something,” said Joseph, jumping up and rus.h.i.+ng out of the room after Stella. If either of his parents called out his name, he didn't hear them.

”Little Joseph! You truly are not very little anymore!” said Selena, stepping back to see him better. ”Nope, sorry, you were much cuter before. Besides, my lover FIRE would want to hurt you if I thought you were cute now.”

Joseph laughed.

”I wish to cast a spell on you, BORROW SKILL, in order to acquire your mastery of FIRE. I'm hoping it will provide me insights I am lacking in order to get a feel for how close I am to mastery myself, as well as possibly trigger my own ascent to mastery. Unfortunately, I can't directly grant spells, but pure knowledge from FIRE, I hope, will be transferred.”

”Well, I suppose it's alright.”

”Is there any skill I have, that you would like? I can also lend any of my own skills.”

She thought about that for a moment and then smiled.

”I think it would be somewhat disgraceful for a big sister to borrow skills from her little brother. I am content learning at my own rate. I enjoy the discovery and I do not have so many people who depend upon me as you do.”


'AH!' Joe cried in his head.

Selena had advanced past even grand master. Joseph had underestimated her, even though he should have known better. Apparently nine years wasn't enough to catch up.

They started processing a ridiculous amount of the information. By keeping Joe separate from himself, as the target of the spell, they were able to compare everything they would normally know, with what they currently knew. This was ridiculously faster than struggling through everything on his own. At least eight times as fast, if not sixteen times faster, then normal, but the strain was a bit much.

Clarification: Joe was given her mastery of Fire, and they studied it together by comparing what Joseph didn't know versus what Joe then knew.

He could advance towards mastery much more quickly, taking advantage of this, but it would still be a long road. Mastery really couldn't be achieved with just repet.i.tion. It made him a bit more impressed with the master level he took accounting to in his previous life.

Joseph could only keep it up for around half an hour. Though it gave him a lot of ideas for his other students, each level of skill was like a wall. Going from basic to advanced, where he was at, was like a high jump and then a pole-vault. Going from advanced to wherever Selena was at, was like trying to use an orbital cannon.

He was panting when he finally released the spell and Selena and Stella were looking at him worried. With a laugh he a.s.sured them he was fine.

”Selena is just that much better than me. I didn't advance a level, but I'm definitely closer. Oh, and I figured out how to cage a sun.”

”Really? That would be very interesting to see!”

”It sounded cool and I didn't want to disappoint my big sister. Let's go somewhere clear though. I'm sure a lot of people are going to want to see this!”
