142 Chapter 139 Caged Sun (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 23640K 2022-07-22

Sam was trying to hide, but Joseph noticed him. He looked up at him when Joseph paused next to his hiding spot.

”Sam, you and Todd are going to be rea.s.signed, along with Logan and Dylan. I no longer need guards. My mother, Lady Nadette, is to be guarded with your lives. Do you understand?”

The boy glanced at Stella, who was pointedly ignoring him, and nodded quickly before darting away.

Joseph sighed as he watched him run. He had discussed with Stella how he wouldn't need the four as guards, especially now that he was nine years older. They knew that with his pitiable gone, he would terrify people with his newfound power. Being surrounded by people openly afraid of him would take some getting used to.

Once they reached the outside of the city, he started to draw a circle on the ground in order to sacrifice all of the gra.s.s. The spell was going to kill it all anyway.

By the time he was done, using a finely controlled SHAPE EARTH, his parents, Selena, and all of the high mages had a.s.sembled to watch. He saw that there were also some of his advisors and some of the northerners.

”This is the spell I learned for Selena,” he told them. ”I will need to make some more modifications before we can use it in the future, but for now, this will suffice for a demonstration.”


That should contain any blast and keep everyone safe.


First an ATMOSPHERE DOME appeared in a sphere above and in front of the crowd. Then everything except hydrogen was expelled as the inside was filled with the modified spell as it used CREATE AIR and CREATE FUEL together. It had taken a bit to get all of it programmed into a single spell, but the end result was beautiful.

They all watched as the hydrogen reached critical pressure. LIGHTENING STORM ripped through the dome, stripping off the electrons while the protons started getting smashed together with a PUSH focused in the center. That's when the first bit of fusion happened, and it was off.

The sound was greatly m.u.f.fled by the force wall, as well as the heat and radiation being completely blocked. Joseph noticed most of the crowd grabbed their ears.

The ground immediately melted so he quickly used the mana from sacrificing the gra.s.s to create a GATE that vented the hydrogen into s.p.a.ce, stopping the spell.

When properly controlled it wasn't cla.s.sified as a planet destroying spell, but as a demo it was pretty unstable. He couldn't wait until he had his kingdom established so he could build a true reactor. He intended to draw off part of the power to keep the spell going.

Ironically, magically created fuel couldn't be used to draw power from the reactor, but there would be so many steps in the way from it, that he fully intended for it to work. It wouldn't be very efficient, but would be able to produce permanent mana and electricity.


”Oh! Little Joseph! FIRE liked that a lot! Can you make it so that fewer spells are required so that I may cast it as well?”

”Hmm. Probably. I will have to work on it.”

As he turned to see the rest of the audience, he wondered if maybe he had overdone it. They all seemed to be overwhelmed. One of the non-mages had peed his pants.