139 Chapter 136 Explaining To Mom (2/2)
His mother still hadn't said anything, her gaze never wavering from his face.
”You were trapped for nine years, how? What happened?” William asked.
”I had to cycle the air, so it didn't become bad. I had to create food and water, and clothes. I created weapons for Stella, golems made from orichalc.u.m, that look like her and respond to her thoughts. I made my weapon, and she helped me train as best we could, to fight with it. I studied every magic rune and spell I could, to its maximum level, to make sure that I could deal with whatever was thrown at me. I even made a few new spells, that hadn't existed before.”
”And when you came out of the bubble?” asked his father.
”We killed the demi-G.o.d and all of his followers, that I could find, over the past month.”
”So, all of the demon wors.h.i.+ppers are gone?” he asked, excitedly.
”No, just that faction. They were the ones who were the most active at the time. There are four more factions out there, hiding for the moment. I'll need time to find them and deal with them.”
”You killed a G.o.d?” whispered his mother. Her hands had gone cold, and her face was pale.
”Only a lesser G.o.d of death,” he said, rubbing her hands to warm them.
”Are you still my son?” she asked, reaching up for his face.
”Mom, just because I'm older, doesn't mean I'm not your son.” His voice caught in his throat, and he had to cough to clear it. ”I have memories of other worlds, which is how I was coming up with things that no one else had ever thought of.”
”And that's why you were so different, when I got back to you after you had left for so long,” she said, her eyes losing the lost look.
”Yes, I was able to convince people that what I had known was from all the traveling with dad, or from the slave teachers he had tutoring me, and they had no idea.”
”I only have one question left, then,” she said, pulling her hands out of his, and sitting up in her chair. She looked like the strong woman he remembered, and it brought a smile to his face.
”Sure, what do you want to know?”
”Is Stella still able to wear white at the wedding?”