140 Chapter 137 Past Lives (1/2)
”Is that really the most important thing you can think of, right now?” asked William, gaping at Joseph's mother.
”It's very important! Our son was stuck in this time bubble for nine years with a girl during his most vulnerable years growing up! Who's to say what they did? I'm sure when word gets out what happened, everyone's going to automatically a.s.sume they did things, and demand a marriage. In fact, I think there should be one as soon as possible, to ensure that our honor isn't besmirched.”
Joseph's and William's jaws were hanging open as she nodded to herself.
”Absolutely not!” cried Joseph, scooting back in his chair.
”What?” said his mom, looking at him with that crazy look in her eye, that he would dare to back talk her.
”Dear, if you demand a wedding so quickly, it will seem as if you are trying to hide indecent acts! No one would dare to say such a thing, and besides, even if such things happened, who's to say otherwise? It would be no different if they were off traveling, and merely returned after nine years! We should be grateful they merely returned after only two months!”
She looked at Joseph, and he could suddenly see the truth of what was wrong. She was trying to hide a pain by focusing on a wedding, something she would have complete control over.
”I'm still your son, even if I'm not so little anymore,” he said softly, trying to calm things down a little. ”Here, you guys were about to eat lunch, let me help with that!”
He stood up and suddenly a table was before him. Then, as they blinked in surprise, he spoke FOOD. The dragon speech startled them, but not as much as the food laden table.
”There are so many different things!” exclaimed his mom, standing up and coming over to investigate.
”There's dishes from a bunch of my other lives. Some of them I'd never actually eaten before, so I can only imagine what they're supposed to taste like.”
”Is it all real?” she asked, picking up a small bowl of chocolate pudding and sniffing it.
Joseph laughed, ”Oh yes! But you should probably be careful what you eat, some of them have a lot of calories! Only Stella can get away with eating them without getting fat!”
”Calories? Joseph, are those dangerous?” she asked, quickly putting the bowl back down.
”No! That's…how to explain? All food has calories, and they are what give you energy. So, the more calories, the more the energy. If you don't use all the energy, your body will store it as fat.”
She sighed, ”I don't understand.”
”Eat, mom, I promise, it's all safe.”
William stepped up and picked up a plate that had a steak on it. The color was unlike anything they had ever seen, and Joseph chuckled.
”That's a wyvern steak. I saw one in one of my lives, for sale at a butcher's shop, as a small child. I always wanted to try one, but never did. I imagined it would be delicious, so it is. You should really try it!”
”So, if I have actually eaten wyvern steak, its possible this would taste nothing like it?” asked his father, pulling his chair up and sitting down.
”Possibly,” said Joseph with a shrug.