112 Chapter 112 Oranges (1/2)
It was getting late, and Stella knew that they would need to stop for supper soon. As the elves started discussing where to stop, she spied a copse of trees and headed for them. The elves followed quickly. Tying Joseph's horse to one of the trees, she pulled a pot out of her purse.
The elves froze whatever they were doing. She smirked as she piled some dead branches underneath it, using a tripod she also pulled from her purse, to settle the pot above it.
Joseph had become aware and joined her.
He cast CREATE WATER to fill the pot, then CREATE FIRE. Flames were immediately licking at the side of the pot, and it began to steam. Pulling some more ingredients out of her purse, she quickly diced and cut vegetables to toss into the pot.
Suddenly a sound tickled her ears, and she turned. Joseph noticed and looked too.
A herd of deer was making its way slowly away from them.
”Stella, do you want something fresh and we can save the preserved meat?” asked Joseph softly.
She nodded and grasped her knife in a different grip.
”I would also wish to save our food so that we don't need to hunt in the elven forest,” she said, going into a crouch. The elves were looking at each other, mostly in shock.
She was in the middle of the herd. Turning quickly, before they could even register her arrival, she slashed out at the big buck on her left. Her knife slide under his jaw, cutting his throat in one clean movement. He jumped straight up, then took off running, through the brush. Stella darted after him, guiding him back towards the elves as he left the herd behind and began to stagger in confusion. His side was thickly matted with his blood as he finally stopped. His legs quivered, and she moved slowly, meticulously making her way to his side. Dropping his head, heavy with huge antlers, his legs finally gave way, and he fell.
She was back to the fire, and the deer was breathing heavily. The elves were murmuring to each other, but Stella ignored them. As the deer's eyes finally glazed over, she gently closed them. Standing, she turned and nodded at Joseph. It was dead.
He stood from where he had sat down to recover his mana, and cast PREPARE GAME, then PURIFY FOOD. All the skin, meat, bones, and organs were cleansed and prepared on the plate she had just set out. Quickly adding some of the meat, she placed the lid on the pot, then moved some of the other pieces next to the fire to cook.
Throwing the other pieces in her purse, she noticed that Joseph seemed thoughtful.
”Would you like some fruit, Stella?”
”Certainly, Master Joseph.”
”What would you like?”
”The blood oranges from…before?” She could remember the sweetness of the fruit as it dripped from her fingers, and her eyes light up. ”You have those?”
”Give me a few minutes,” he said. Casting CREATE PLANT, several seedlings sprouted from the ground a small distance from the camp.
Stella noticed that the seedlings were randomly s.p.a.ced, so it didn't look like someone had planted an orchard. Then he started to cast other spells. She didn't understand them, and would never have known what spells he was casting if he didn't unconsciously mutter the name to himself as he did the magic.
The trees were big enough to start flowering. She watched as he moved between them with a small piece of fluff he picked up from the ground. A piece of fluff of some kind, that he was using to gently pollinate several with. She knew what he was doing, even if she didn't understand it. Then he cast PLANT GROWTH once more and fruit appeared. He reached up on tiptoe and felt one.
”Nope not yet. It is still a little hard.” PLANT GROWTH. ”Ah this one feels better.”
Stella moved up next to him as he pulled a couple down. Sticking the ones he handed her up to her face, she inhaled the aroma. With a huge grin, she turned to give him a hug.
”Thank you!” she crowed before heading back to the fire to sit down and start peeling one.
”They should be great for dessert,” he said as he turned to return with an arm full of them. She paused with the first piece halfway to her mouth. Glancing down at it, all she could think about was how juicy and sweet it would taste.
”Or, an appetizer,” he laughed sitting next to her.
Grinning in delight, she threw the slice into her mouth and savored the sweetness that almost made her pucker. It was sooooo gooood!
Halfway through her third orange, she decided she probably needed to eat something other than oranges. Looking up, she saw the elves looking at her as if she was something they had never seen before. How could she be so rude?!
Motioning to the orange trees behind them, she said, ”You're welcome to help yourselves! There's plenty there, and the meat should be done soon.”