111 Chapter 111 Discussions With The Elves (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 28770K 2022-07-22

”What was the design you drew, Joseph?” asked Virion after they were underway. ”The one you drew every morning before you left with your father?”

”Oh, that was BEACON. It was used to make it easier and to use less mana to aim at a place with TELEPORT. It can be cast slightly different for when crossing between realms or traveling through time. What I used was just for teleport though.”

Joseph heard Elwin mutter, ”Time?”

”Yes, don't worry. Apparently, that isn't allowed anymore. And I haven't bothered studying crossing realms yet. Though NECROMANCY technically has a BANISHMENT spell, I haven't learned it, yet.”

”Have you found any ancient texts that have these spells written or something, Joseph?” asks Virion.

Joseph laughed. ”No, of course not. I study the runes themselves and if I get stuck, I go to the magical realm to study them more in depth.”

Several elves paused for a moment at that.

”What? You don't go to the magical realm?”

Stella looked at him. ”Master Joseph, I imagine they must only go once, or they didn't realize humans knew how to go back.”

”That's silly. Miss Selena goes there all the time. Oh, never mind. You're right. They probably don't have anyone like Miss Selena.”

Virion looked excited. ”Who is Miss Selena?”

”Oh, she would be my first real magic teacher. She is loved by FIRE.” Again, he said the word from the flame realm as well as he could. The sunlight briefly pulsed brighter.

”Was that a dragon word?”

”Oh, no. I can't p.r.o.nounce dragon words correctly as a human. I'm working on spells that will allow me to, though. But I'm not there yet. That pulse was probably more like a friendly wave you give for the kid your wife babysits, or something.”

The elves were silent for several minutes after that. It really made him miss the carriage. Traveling on horseback with the elves, reminded him of being summoned to the king, too much.

Virion was quiet for a few minutes before he responded. ”I think that what you are doing is highly dangerous. Spending so long in the magical realm. It's easy to exhaust your life force and also easy to fall prey to the beings in the other realms.”

Joseph glanced at Stella, who was giving him a look.

”What do you mean?”

”It seems to me, you set your tethers far too long.”


”Yes, the tethers that pull you back so that you don't go too far. Many young mages would set their tethers too long and encounter the others, or stay so long that they ran out of life force.”

”Well, I do get tired, spending a long time in the magical realms, but never crippling so. I only need a nap. And the longest I've been on a trip is three days and I've yet to see another being in the realms besides miss Selena.”

All of the elves were looking at him strangely before Virion said, ”You must have been extremely lucky. We teach our young to never go more than an hour.”

”I don't think I do this the same way you do. When you start in your magical realm, before you choose which rune realm you wish to go to, is that when you set the tether?”

”What are you talking about?” Now Virion was confused.

”You know, the nexus in your soul before you travel. Is that when you tether?”

”You set your tether here, in this world, before you set which realm to go too.”

Joseph asked, ”Can you show me?”