110 Chapter 110 Making Dad Proud (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 30690K 2022-07-22

-Knock- -Knock-

Stella opened the door, and a male elf in a dark green robe looked in at them.

”Ooh!” exclaimed Joseph in excitement, setting his spoon down and jumping up from his breakfast. ”You have Magery 3 and practice!”

”Yes?” said the elf in confusion, stepping inside. ”My name is Virion. I am the head mage for this battalion and will be accompanying you back to the forest.”

”Well, it is good to meet you, Sir Virion. I am Joseph Aurum.”

”I hear you have a number of other t.i.tles.”

”Well, yes, but the other elves obviously don't believe me, so repeating them seems silly now.”

”They are a little hard to believe. I can't feel the aura of a mage about you at all.”

”Oh. Here.”

Joseph released the control he kept on his mana, letting it go sloppy for a few seconds before he controlled it properly again. Virion's eyes went wide.

”You are a mage! And you feel as if you are on my level. I haven't felt a human at that level of magery ever.”

”Well, only big sis Selena has an aura at my level, but hers is still different.”

”There is another human with magic potential as strong as you? Are they here?”

”Yes, but you'll be quite confused when you meet her. She is loved by FIRE.”

Joseph used the origin word for FIRE, at least as close as his human throat could p.r.o.nounce at least. The elf stuttered.

”The commander is an idiot to think I would go back and not stay to see this.”

The leader from the night before approached from behind him.

”What was that Virion?” he asked in amus.e.m.e.nt.

”Commander Elwin.” A look of embarra.s.sment flashed over his face, but was quickly replaced with determination

”Ah, so that was his name,” muttered Joseph to himself.

”You can't expect me to go back without seeing if this human child can really teleport, can you?”

”I told you, Virion, that I couldn't detect any mage talent from him at all.”

”Stella, are you done?” asked Joseph.

”Yes, Master Joseph.”

”Let's go to the study so I can research.”

”Of course,” she replied, taking his hand.

”Distinguished guests, I am very busy learning a new spell at the moment. If you will excuse us?”