108 Chapter 108 Permission To Talk To Yourself (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 23840K 2022-07-22

Joseph decided to scout the area where the slaves were, so that he would be able to teleport closer when the time came. He needed to be able to get his dad close, to find their exact hiding spot. He was hoping to rescue everyone all at once, or at least within a few days.

Late at night, Joseph was thinking hard, unable to sleep.


”Yes, Master Joseph?” Her voice was soft and half asleep.

”I kind of want to get COOK, SEEK FOOD, and then CREATE FOOD and ESSENTIAL FOOD because that would let me literally create food from nothing.”

”Ok,” she mumbled.

”But I'm worried that I will come across something that is resistant to fire and thus my fire spells won't work so I won't be able to defeat it. I could learn STONE MISSILE or I could learn acid and icicle spells from WATER or lightning spells from AIR. What do you think?”

”I don't think many things will be able to resist your fire spells, Master Joseph.” She sounded a little more awake.

”Well, also if I get all of the shape elemental spells, I could learn ALTER TERRAIN and literally move mountains.”

”That might be handy after you take over the wasteland.”

”If I learn a few more PLANT spells I can learn ESSENTIAL WOOD. It would make our wood items stronger than most metal items, or learn ESSENTIAL EARTH and use EARTH TO STONE twice to make ridiculously strong metals.”

”That sounds interesting.” Was she starting to get a little annoyed? Probably just his imagination.

”I could also learn to control the weather, but I also would like more healing spells before I get shot by one of those demonic arrows again.”

”I would prefer you not get shot master.” This time she definitely sounded annoyed, but he missed it.

”Well, then I could learn a few more protection spells, I guess. But I might need more KNOWLEDGE spells too, because I'm stuck for the moment on how to heal the wasteland. Though if I learned more BODY CONTROL, I could eventually alter my voice to be able to speak dragon words directly so that is tempting. I'm just sorry I don't have SOUND yet. I learned SIMPLE ILLUSION but in order to learn COMPLEX ILLUSION I need to learn some SOUND spells. And I can't go farther in that rune really without that yet. But then it's really tempting to learn a few more ENCHANTMENT spells in order to make myself a proper mage staff, too.”

”Master Joseph?” Her tone caught his attention immediately.

”Yes, Stella?”

”Good night. If you need magic advice, you should talk to yourself.”
