108 Chapter 108 Permission To Talk To Yourself (1/2)
William and Joseph had managed to settle everything. The barbarians would be the guards. When they proposed the idea, they were surprised how well the idea was received. This land was far tamer than what they were used to, and there was no way they could return to the north, with the devastation from the fog. They decided between them, that they would break back into their tribes and would then roam amongst the towns, patrolling. They a.s.sured William and Joseph that nothing here would be a challenge after the north.
That night, William finally had a chance to have a serious talk with Joseph again.
”Joseph, I sent far more slaves here than have arrived.”
”What do you mean? I thought you could tell when your slaves died and where they were?”
”I can tell when they die, but only a general feeling of where they are. In the north everyone was south. Now I can tell that many haven't made it down here yet.”
”Hmm. Do you want me to teleport you to some of the cities we have stopped at, so you can find them?”
”No, I shouldn't show my face in public. The king no doubt has many looking for me. He is far more paranoid than his father was, and I used so many of the points I saved getting through the check points, I don't have enough left to call the scattered people home.”
”Wait, how old are you dad?” Joseph suddenly realized, that as a slave merchant, his father wasn't nearly old enough to have known the current king's father.
He looked at Joseph for a moment, before answering. ”Joseph, I am 92. Only you and the elves know.”
”Wow. You don't look…so mom doesn't know.”
”No, she doesn't. I had to hide my age in order for her father to agree to let me marry her. If she found out now, I'm not sure she would believe me, or what she would do…”
Joseph nodded. He knew how scary his mom was.
”Tomorrow, let's go around the kingdom. We can mark out on the map where you feel them, and use it to triangulate the cities where everyone is at. Otherwise, without being able to sense your slaves, I won't be able to find them.”
”I am afraid it isn't that easy. There are some who I released from slavery. They either earned it or retired. When I first started, I didn't know that the benefits of being my slave would be so great.”
”Then we shall have to do the best we can.”
The next day was spent with his father, teleporting throughout the kingdom along his route. There were 12 locations, where his father felt slaves hiding and thankfully none of those locations were in cities.
”I need to learn TELEPORT OTHER before we can rescue them, dad.”
”OK, then do that. I don't want you to make GATES from all over the kingdom to this place.”
”That might be dangerous if there were other mages able to sense my magic,” said Joseph, but then his other mind spoke up, reminding him of the a.s.sa.s.sins who had tried to kill him and of whoever had released that horror up in the north. Maybe there were other mages able to detect his magic. His father didn't correct him, probably a.s.suming Joseph knew more on the subject of magic, then he did.
This time Joseph left the new Joseph studying other spells, while the Joseph in charge of his body studied TELEPORT OTHER. It took six days instead of two and a half, but William didn't sense that any of his slaves were in immediate peril.