106 Chapter 106 Prepping For The Gate (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24180K 2022-07-22

Joseph sighed.

”What's wrong, Master Joseph?” asked Stella.

”There is nothing magical about the wasteland. That's good in that it isn't a curse that needs to be dispelled, but bad in that I really don't know what it needs. I'll have to investigate more later.”

They headed east until they encountered an actual gate in. They couldn't expect all of the women and children and babies to climb the wall after all. Once they found the gate, Joseph walked about half a mile in front of it.

”OK, Stella, here is good.”

Crawling around on the ground, he began to scribe a huge set of runes. They would be what made the gate his father wanted. After standing back and studying it for a moment, he nodded to himself, then went and inscribed another rune, BEACON. It would make the cost of coming back here from the north easier and use less mana. Since GATE was significantly more expensive than plain old TELEPORT, he thought it was worth the effort. He made sure the beacon was large enough to support the size of the GATE he wanted and then rested up. BEACON would last for 24 hours.

”Stella, let's go back and eat lunch with everyone. Then I need to get busy.”

”Yes, Master Joseph.”


Landing in thick snow, it appeared that it must have snowed since they were there last. It was still January, so the cold was intense. Taking his breath away for a moment, a few barbarians noticed and came to investigate.

”Greetings, Kenrick.”

Joseph looked at him for a moment, confusion written on his face.

”That is name our shamans and chieftains give for you. It is old tale of chieftain hero. It not used in many lives, but it good for child of prophecy.”

Joseph nodded his thanks at the broken words.

”Thank you, Scrawl.”

He smiled; apparently happy Joseph knew his name. He was an excellent tent maker, so he had met him when they were preparing to flee the town. Leaving him, they headed for William's cave.

”Jo…Joseph?!” His father's face looked confused and concerned as they walked in.

”Hey, dad! We're back.” Joseph bounded over to a chair and plopped into it.

”Did something happen? Are you OK?” William set down the ink pen he had been using to write reports and studied the two of them apprehensively.

”Uh, yeah? Dad, we found your city, so we came back for lunch before I made the GATE.” Joseph smiled, though he wondered if something was wrong.