105 Chapter 105 The Wasteland (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 25110K 2022-07-22

The plan was to teleport to Joseph's old house, and then to travel south as discreetly as possible, to the places his father had set up along the wastelands. He turned to Stella after a couple days of play. Now that he could teleport, he could keep just ahead of Stella for tag to end in a draw. He still couldn't catch Stella either.

”Ready to see my old home?” he asked holding out his hand.

”Of course, Master Joseph,” she said taking it.

In the blink of an eye, they were standing in his back yard. It would have been so much easier if he could just look at a map and teleport to a location, but unfortunately, he could only teleport to a place where he had been before, or where he had seen at least.

”That was…wow,” Stella looked around in amazement.

Joseph only sighed. He had been afraid of this. The king had retaliated when his father escaped, by burning the house to the ground. In the distance they could both see the remains of the town. Even it had been burned to the ground. There wasn't even that much rubble left. As they started walking down the street, looking around at the destruction around them, Joseph realized they had burned everything, gathered the debris together, burned it again, and then scattered the ashes.

”This is needless ruin,” Stella said, pausing to look over the destruction.

”They were making a point for any who might return. I'm just glad I don't see any dead bodies or ma.s.s graves anywhere. Hopefully everyone who lived here managed to escape.”

Joseph felt a little tired after teleporting such a long way, so he sat down on a boulder, that may have once been part of a building, to meditate. Once he felt better, he turned to Stella.

”I have Absolute Direction. Dad showed me on the map where we need to go, so I think I just want to teleport to travel as fast as possible.”

”Alright. That would save a lot of time, I suppose.” She nodded as if to herself, and held out her hand for him to take it.

A grin broke out over his face as he quickly took it before she could change her mind. He turned to look in the direction they needed to go, then TELEPORT. Stopping to rest for a minute, he saw her looking a little green and swallowing quite a bit. Each time he teleported, she looked relieved that he needed to rest a moment. She seemed to get better each time, but it was obviously not her favorite method of travel. He wondered how she could jump with her version of teleport and not be sick, but was with his. It must be because it was him controlling it instead of her.

The sun was starting to set, and he spied a herd of deer off to the side.

”Stella,” he started, pointing in their direction, then teleporting to within thirty feet of them.

As they spooked, she took off, quickly taking one down.

PREPARE GAME, and everything was cleaned and gutted, with the hide gently folded over to the side and the meat already separated into the cuts he wanted.

PURIFY FOOD, and all of the stomach and intestine contents were removed, the parasites and bacteria destroyed.