97 Chapter 97 Recap, Life Is Good (2/2)
He restored his mana circuits almost instantly, to dispel the charm effect she had been exuding. His face lost its flush and his breathing started to even out.
”Stella, what were you dreaming about that made you let off such a powerful charm? Don't do that in public by the way. It would be annoying fixing that in others.”
”Wait, it's my fault?”
”How? If you were really affected by my charm, how did you get rid of it?”
Joseph yawned. ”Oh, I use my memories. Sylva was the only person I ever felt in l.u.s.t with, in my memories, so I figure until you're at least 20, I'll just focus on her instead.”
He yawned again and stretched. ”None of my memories were attracted to girls your age, so I just put their preference in place. I also fix my mana, where the charm affects me, and that restores my sanity. I really don't want to lose you as a friend. Maybe when we're older, but definitely not right now.”
Laying back down, he decided another hour of sleep was in order. Throwing her a smile, he was relieved to see her lay back down as well.
”Some might be upset with it, but remember, I've never had a childhood friend. I don't mind at all. There's plenty of time to fall in love when we're older.”
Her face was funny. He didn't often win, when arguing with Stella.
”It's nice to know that you feel that way. You've been literally chasing me since before we were both born.”
”Yeah, well, I plan to live as long as I wish to. Literally. Even if you said you were desperately in love with me, right this moment, we couldn't do anything about it for years. And I love having you as a friend I can laugh with.”
”I like having a friend, too. The last time I had friends, I lost them when I was banished to that island.”
”When my parents get here next week, and I have you and my family together, I'll be the happiest I've ever been in any of my lives. Besides, we'll have centuries to enjoy together.
”Also, I think I've figured out your charm magic. Give me a few weeks, and I might be able to magic you a bracelet that can suppress it. Normally, it doesn't effect me, so I haven't had a chance to study its effects, but I took the time to see what it really does. It's a magical effect that doesn't evoke a rune, so it's kind of neat.
”You seriously stayed under the effects of my charm, so you could study yourself?”
”Of course! It's way easier to study effects on myself if I get the chance.”
Stella sighed, closing her eyes.
”Stella, I'm getting stronger. n.o.body is trying to kill me currently. Mom and dad are going to be here in a week. My best friend is here. With the war on, dad won't have to travel, so I can stay with both my parents. People have mostly settled down, and figured out what they are supposed to be doing. Soon the whole problem can be left to dad, so I can study more magic and play more. This is awesome. You should cheer up!”