98 Chapter 98 Flee (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 23430K 2022-07-22

Today a messenger came from Joseph's father. The horse was so bad off, Stephan had to use magic to keep it alive. He opened the scroll with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. Daniel gave him a nod of encouragement.

-Son, the king is going to be killed, if he hasn't been already. The n.o.bles are revolting. Prepare everyone to flee north. We need to pa.s.s through the north around the mountains to the central kingdom. We are being pursued currently. When you read this, I should be only 2 days out at most.-

He handed the note to Stella.

”Everything was... I was supposed to be able to enjoy my family. We were supposed to have the day of beginnings together. I had houses and cities built for over the winter. We…SHAVIST!” he screamed. ”Those shavist n.o.bles! They have to choose to regicide now! They couldn't give me one year!”

With his teeth gritted and his fists clenched, he fought against the urge to cry. Taking several breathes he turned to everyone in the room. The meeting was over. They all knew that, but no one was willing to move. In all their time with him, they had never seen Joseph so upset.

”Daniel, round up everyone to have a meeting. This is a big one, that will be for everyone, including those who aren't my people. Eric and Lucas, come here.”

He quickly wrote letters to Chug and Tekaun.

”Take this to Tekaun and Chug, in their villages. They have to gather everything they will need. We have to go to the central kingdom through the north. Bring every bit of food that they have.

”Justin, get to village 4. Load all the supplies they can and come back here. Go right now. Dad will be here in two days at most, and we will need to leave as soon as possible.

”Stella, send one of the guards to village 5. Grab everything they will need to survive the winter and burn the rest of the town to the ground.”

Daniel and several of the others paused. ”Um, Joseph? There is no village 5,” Daniel said hesitantly.

Joseph glanced at him but turned back to the others while Stella relayed his orders to one of the few guards who knew how to get to village 5.

”Daniel, we don't have much time.”

Daniel nodded, briefly, before running off. Stella looks at him.

”Do you think this is why Walter was delayed?”

Joseph nodded. ”He was probably detained by his family, or killed for liking me too much, most likely.”

The emergency bell started ringing in the town square. People were confused at first, and then there was almost a stampede to the town square.

”Everyone, calm down so I can speak.” The noise was almost deafening, and no one heard him.

”QUIET!” Daniel yelled.

Joseph sighed in frustration as the crowd quieted down. It sure would be nice to be bigger.

”The n.o.bles have killed the king.”