96 Chapter 96 Impossible (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 30770K 2022-07-22

The package was wrapped inside his cloak, as Matthew was smuggled through the guards patrolling the outer edges of Town 1. Stella waited until they were all looking away, which was far too often in her opinion, and they dashed between two buildings. As they approached the center of town, she hurried him onto a wagon, that was parked here, just for this occasion, and then she drove it right up to Joseph's office, while he hid under a thick blanket. When the coast was clear, she rushed him inside, with only his guards at the door in the know.


”Master Joseph, I have brought you the item you have requested from the seamstresses,” panted Matthew, pulling the paper wrapped package out from his cloak.

”I wasn't aware that you would be arriving with it, I was expecting just a written report,” said Joseph, surprised.

”With the importance you placed upon it, the decision to bring it personally was not a hard one.”

Taking the package, he grinned as he turned to Stella and held it out.

”Here, Stella, it's a present.”

”What? Why?” Taking it gingerly, as if it might explode, she glanced at his grinning face.

”I think you'll like it. It took the seamstresses a whole month to make it.”

She set it down on his desk as Matthew inched closer to see as well. As she slowly opened it, Joseph's face grew more excited, until he had to sit on his hands to prevent himself ripping the paper open himself.

It was a black, super soft, jersey kind of cotton. Holding it up, her gaze was guarded as it unrolled to show a long black hoodie with bunny ears and a cute fluffy tail.

”I got some odd looks when I requested it, and the seamstresses had to redo the fabric a bunch of times, but it looks like they finally got it right! Try it on! Is the front pocket the right size? You can use it as pajamas, or whenever it's cold.”

Joseph was so excited for her; he couldn't stop talking.

”Oh, Master Joseph! It's perfect!” Her voice was high pitched and just as excited as he was.

”Try it on!” he repeated. ”It goes on like a coat, over your clothes.”

Pulling it on, the ears popped up, with one ear having just a tiny bit of a kink. She gave a laugh and started hopping around the room, pausing to look at him and twitch her nose.

Joseph broke down in giggles, holding his belly and kicking his feet.

Matthew stood by the door looking puzzled. These two were who everyone feared? His eye developed a bit of a twitch as he watched Stella wiggle her b.u.t.t just enough to get the tail to wiggle, and then they both broke out laughing again. Then she saw him.

Joseph wiped the tears from his eyes as he watched Matthew lose all of the color from his face.

'Thank you, system, for perfect memory!'


'Shut up, System. This is awesome!'

”Master Joseph, I think you should get one of these, too!”

”Ok, but not a rabbit. I'm not that fast.” He gave a shrug and put his chin in his hand to think.