95 Chapter 95 Cute Bunny Girl (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 32050K 2022-07-22

War. The Central and Eastern Kingdoms had broken out in war. Joseph sighed when Selena told him the message from his father. If the elves hadn't stepped in to help the eastern kingdom, the central kingdom would have already overrun them.

William was having to use all of his persuasive powers from the system to cross the borders while he traveled, gathering his people to go with him. He couldn't tell Selena about the system, but Joseph understood what she meant. The people who he wasn't sure could handle the trip, were being sent to southern holdings along the wastelands border. It was good that Joseph had already called all of the people north to him in this kingdom.

His father would be bringing what supplies he could get, with him when he got into this kingdom, along with about 14,000 people. Joseph told her to tell him that they had managed to get seed into the ground but it was late. Harvest would be late, but there should be a lot of food once harvest was done.

Once he was done speaking with Selena, he traveled back to his magical s.p.a.ce where the runes were visible. His AMCC had been busy gaining basic proficiency in all of the runes he'd seen, but hadn't finished the ones he knew, much less the extra nine he found in the ruins to the north. For now, since he already had several FOOD spells, he decided to head there. The world of FOOD was just as odd as he remembered. Some things looked mind blowingly delicious and others looked rather disgusting.

He pictured himself made out of ginger bread to keep it simple, with an excellent frosting job for the accents. Then he started listening to the rune. It only took a few minutes before he could start repeating it back. The inflection, the timing, even how he held himself and breathed through his nose, that didn't really exist currently, affected the sound. It's disappointing but he didn't think he was going to be able to learn how to p.r.o.nounce any of the runes in less than 5 hours. So much intent was packed in even the smallest fluctuations. Each word conveyed the meaning of paragraphs in any of the languages he knew. Still, the subject always, in some way, invoked FOOD, or whatever the rune governed.

When he returned from the magical realm, he was exhausted. Turning to Stella, he saw she was eating a really big cinnamon roll. Next to her was half a plate of chili cheese fries. When did they get the ingredients for that? Should he ask for a bite? Nah, he was good. He had just spent 5 hours staring at food. While he had learned dozens of new recipes, his head was a bit fuzzier than when he left the realm of FIRE last time.

”Wow, Stella. It is really draining to do this. It feels like I've been running a marathon. I'm beat. I'm going to lay here for a bit. Wake me in about 15 minutes.”

”Yes, Master Joseph.”

”We'll be going to the kitchen once I'm up.”


”Master Joseph, it has been 15 minutes.”

Taking a deep breath, he sat up. Good, he felt better. Heading to the kitchen with Stella, he was overwhelmed with the desire to cook those recipes. FOOD wanted him to learn these recipes for a particular reason. Over a dozen dishes later, he finished and stared at everything he had just cooked. Most of the dishes were incredibly simple and easy to fix, but taking samples of them showed that they were also amazingly delicious.


Joseph was at his desk, going over reports and writing orders to send to the other villages. They had finished their meeting half an hour ago, and he was almost done with the paperwork. He may remember everything perfectly, but the others wouldn't.

”Raindrops on roses and noses on bunnies

The way that they twitch them is so very funny

Tails that are fluffy and soft to the touch

Just some of the things that I love so much

Whenever I'm blue or my life's in a funk

Or I'm trying my hardest when my hopes are all sunk

I remember a snowstorm with flurries a whirl

And think of my favorite cute bunny girl…”