91 Chapter 91 Witchy Woman (1/2)
Chug and Tekaun had some issues the first week. There was a serious cultural shock with both sides. Apparently, the meaning of certain gestures, like crotch grabbing, are wildly different. Tekaun also had to deal with a number of the male craftsmen being unhappy taking orders from a woman, but apparently the fourth night they had a drinking contest and they listen to her now. Not exactly a strategy Joseph could take, but it worked for her. For the most part, the vast number of Joseph's own people, being at both sides, kept many situations from escalating.
The sewers were already half completed and several building foundations were complete. Given that the first week had almost no progress while they were settling in and learning the basics of the basics, Joseph was extremely pleased. They even preferred to stay in their tents so the need for houses could be put off.
Joseph still insisted on the barns being built to house any injured from the frost, though. His hope was that Stephan would be able to learn REGENERATION soon.
Over the past three weeks he finally managed to finish learning EXTINGUISH FIRE. His AMCC finished deciphering the base for WATER, WEATHER, and HEALING and had started on MIND CONTROL from splitting the LAW rune back apart.
”I told the witch doctor I was in love with you. And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do.” Joseph started to whistle the rest of the tune as he went through the paperwork on his desk: material requisition reports, civil incident reports, etc.
”What are you doing, Master Joseph?” asked Stella.
”Wondering if I should send Derek to site 2 yet. The amount of rock they need is huge. But starting next week, I need him at site 1 to finish the foundation and the main throughway. If the foundation for the center square isn't done, then everyone will just be sitting there waiting. But that means I waste a day of his time in just traveling. What's up my dear, Stella?”
”No, I mean, were you singing and whistling?” she said, shaking her head.
”Maayyyybe?” he said, confused.
”Why?” She looked very perplexed.
”Um, because I was in a good mood I guess.”
Stella looked at him. ”Why were you singing about a witch doctor?”
”Oh, well, it was that or Marie Laveau. Down in Louisiana, where the black trees grow, lives a voodoo lady, named Marie Laveua.”
”Master Joseph, why are you singing about black magic?” Her face was scrunched in concern. It was actually a cute look, with her small b.u.t.ton nose.
”Well I was feeling like a magic sort of tune and figured you would object to my first choice.”