75 Chapter 75 Games (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 25660K 2022-07-22

He targeted the next wolf and it caught on fire too. He wasn't sure if it being panicked made it easier or not, but it wasn't nearly as hard.

Stella was suddenly there, between two of the wolves, with daggers in her hands, covered in blood. The two wolves slumped to the ground with blood gus.h.i.+ng from their necks. He tried to remember if she had moved, but he couldn't remember it. She just appeared there.

He turned to a third wolf, to catch it on fire, but was starting to feel incredibly tired, because he was still maintaining their camp fire. Stella moved through the pack, dispatching them with a stab here, a slash there, then went up against one of the winter wolves. It jumped at her, and she disappeared beneath it, reappearing moments later, covered in its blood.

The remaining winter wolf decided they weren't worth the trouble and turned to flee with the rest of the dire wolves close on its tail. Stumbling to the fire, Joseph sat down. That was exhausting!

Stella returned moments later, carrying the huge white hide of the winter wolf she had killed and several large chunks of meat from one of the wolves he had burned to death.

”I wish I knew the spell PREPARE GAME,” he said sadly, taking a chunk of meat from her.

”It's alright, I'm sure you'll learn it soon enough.”

As he settled down to sleep, she was moving back to the other carca.s.ses to skin them as well. He was pretty surprised how tasty the meat had been. Meat from a predator was supposed to taste bad, but this wasn't. Maybe hunger helped to temper the taste.

When he woke, there were three more corpses but Stella had skinned everything, even the ones that were badly damaged, and had taken a lot of meat off of them. Taking the offered meat, she had cooked over the fire, he thought about how she had fought the wolves. It figured that she would be super good at fighting. He wasn't sure where she had placed everything, but she distracted him.

Twitching her nose, she settled down for her turn to nap, and he just shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt. He knew exactly what he wanted to make for her, when they got back. She was going to get a hoodie with bunny ears and a little cotton tail. She could have it as a reward for keeping him alive during this trip. The thought made him giggle, and when she woke up three hours later, he was still grinning.

”What are you thinking, Master Joseph?” she asked curiously.

”It's a surprise. Don't worry, I'll love it!”

He shouldn't have teased the rabbit, he didn't even get close to her after that.

”Come on, Master Joseph, you are a smart fox. Surely you can catch one little bunny?”

He was panting so hard, trying to catch his breath, that he couldn't answer for a moment. Using breath, he absorbed some mana and managed to restore his energy faster.

”I feel more like a coyote, trying to catch a roadrunner,” he said, thinking of one of his favorite cartoons in his previous life.

”Does that make me a roadrunner?” she asked.

”No, you're still a bunny.”

”Beep, beep,” she said, hopping in the air and running off with a laugh.

He laughed too, and chased after her.
