76 Chapter 76 Ice Trolls And Monsters Fleeing The Fog (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 23320K 2022-07-22

”I think we should try a different game,” panted Joseph, leaning over and placing his hands on his knees.

”Like what?”

”I don't know. I don't have any memories of playing with other kids. Do yours?”

”Well, I know what street kids would play. Mostly it was tag, but there was also keep away and catch.”

”I'm not thinking those would help us right now.”

”You probably wouldn't be very good at catch, anyway.” Stella stuck her tongue out and then laughed when Joseph tried to catch her for that.

”Ugh! When we get back, I'm going to make a Kvetz board and teach you to play it.”

”Is it fun?”

”I loved it.”

”Good, there may be something you're better at than me,” she said with a smirk.

”Want to bet on it?” he asked with a chuckle. She would probably figure out the rules and beat him down quickly.

”Don't really like to bet…” she said, uncomfortably.

”How about we bet on the loser making dinner?” he asked, with a grin.

”The chefs cook the meals.”

”How about the next time we go camping?” he asked.

Stella finally gave up with a laugh.

They continued walking, their steps slowed by the snow that was now almost up to their ankles. Pausing, Joseph turned to her, and she grinned, pulling out her daggers.

”How do you want to take them?” he asked. His eyes were glowing as he glanced back over the snowy field ahead of them.

There were four ice trolls. They were supposed to regenerate in ice and snow. Semi-translucent, with no heat signature, no smell, and absolutely no movement to give them away, he had only noticed because he had taken to keeping his magic vision on. He had heard from the barbarians they made excellent ambush predators.

Joseph wasn't sure how Stella saw them, she was…Stella?

”I'll stab them, until they can't move, then you can melt them.” She didn't wait for his nod of approval and understanding before she took off running across the top of the snow, like he had seen an elf do in a movie in one of his last lives. She jumped at one and stabbed it, before it could attack her.

It was ridiculous. When she stabbed it, it jumped up and screamed. That caused all of the others to jump and try to attack her. Their lungs were powerful, but as soon as their initial burst of energy was gone, Stella just danced around them, slas.h.i.+ng behind the knees and on their ankles. Once they fell, she tried to go for the throats.

Joseph could see the snow around them being sucked up into them, as their wounds healed super-fast. As soon as Stella had them all hamstrung, so they couldn't run away, he shouted at her to get out of the way.