66 Chapter 66 Visitors From The North (2/2)
Joseph nodded his understanding. Thinking quickly, he considered who he needed to take with him. This would be an excellent time to get out from under the noses of the mages. Turning to one of the slaves, he sent him to bring Danial. Then he sent another to get Stephan and Derek. They waited patiently, as pa.s.sersby looked on in interest at the unusual look of the barbarians.
”I need to meet with the leader of these men, and discuss many issues that directly affect us all. If I had more people I trusted, I would bring all of you with me, but I don't trust Dominic to stay out of trouble while I'm gone. Daniel, would you mind watching out for things while I'm gone? I've mapped things out pretty well for a good long while.”
Daniel nodded hesitantly. ”Are you sure this is so important that you can't send someone else?”
”These people do not think the way the rest of us do. Their priorities are different. If I send someone else, and they misspeak, it would affect everything we are doing here. Dominic is trying to pull off some kind of shavist so I need you to stay on your toes.”
”Will you be safe enough?” he asked, still not happy with the decision.
”Of course. I'm taking my guards and Stella.”
”What of us?” asked Stephan, including him and Derek.
”The two of you will accompany me. I have a few things I have promised to share with you, and the journey will provide much time for talk.”
They both looked excited, and hurried off to gather a few things to leave. Stella also hurried off to grab a pack.
”I hope to be no longer than a week, but there may be something I need to address before I can return. If so, I will send a messenger back to let you know. Oh, and Daniel?”
Daniel looked back at him.
”Whatever you do, don't let any of the mages near where you sleep. Ever. If you get so much as a sneeze, visit one of the healers. Got it?”
Daniel's eyes narrowed and he nodded, very seriously. ”I will make it very clear to everyone that I am acting in your stead until you return.”
Joseph spied one of the mages standing between tents not too far off, having just arrived, and nodded to him for Daniel to notice.
”So, I think Dominic must just be compensating for a small p.e.n.i.s.”
The mage stiffened noticeably, and Daniel broke out laughing. It was too far for the mage to have been able to hear without some kind of magic hearing, and Daniel nodded his understanding.
”I want Dominic's mages kept too busy for this nonsense, and they are to stay away from my slaves.”
”Don't worry, I have a couple ideas for them that should work wonderfully.” Daniel's grin warmed Joseph's heart and he wasn't as worried about leaving.