66 Chapter 66 Visitors From The North (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24700K 2022-07-22

Joseph chuckled to himself after everyone had left. He had made everyone shake his hand after he spoke with them, to ensure that they understood how important what they were doing was to him, even the slaves. Some had been reluctant, and others had downright refused, on the principle he was too far above them to shake hands with, but he insisted. If Daniel hadn't snuck out, he would have shaken his hand too.

They all knew where they were supposed to be and what they were supposed to be doing, so now it was only a matter of time before everyone would be out of the weather.

Pulling a book out of one of the drawers of his desk, he opened it and started writing. Even though he remembered everything in his head, he wanted to be able to share with the king every little thing that those who were here, had been helping with. That way when the n.o.bles tried to make a fuss about something, he could pull it out and have proof.

He honestly didn't know if it would be used or not, but he wanted to make sure that everyone who deserved credit, had a chance for it. The mages would still be jerks, but the civil and military people who were here, would start listening to him a bit more.

It had been a week since the food had arrived, and everyone was almost back to their former strength. Having healers helped a lot.

”Joseph? There are scouts from the border with news,” said Stella.

”Let them in,” he said, finis.h.i.+ng his notes.

”Master Joseph, we come to report that there are barbarians approaching. Not many, and they don't seem to be trying to sneak or anything.” The man was easily six-foot-tall, and held his sopping wet hat between his hands like a school boy. Joseph didn't care about the carpet he was dripping all over, it was still muddy from the meeting just a short while ago.

”Stella, have several of the slaves escort them here. I don't want any misunderstandings.”

”Of course, Master Joseph,” she said, leaving the room quickly.

”Thank you very much for the report, Tony. It is such a relief to have you helping to relay information so well.”

The large man grinned wide, from him knowing his name, and bowed a bit lower than he probably should have as he left.

Joseph grabbed his cloak and headed out himself. He had a sneaky suspicion that someone would try to cause trouble, and he figured it would be easier to deal with, if he was there.

He arrived just in time to see Dominic turn with a small group of mages, away from the incoming barbarians. His four guards glared at the mage as he smiled while pa.s.sing. Joseph wasn't sure what he had been planning, but it was obvious it wouldn't have been anything good. As soon as he had seen the slaves surrounding the 3 large barbarians, they had turned to leave. He would have to remember to praise Stella when they were alone later.

”We greet you, young chieftain.” The largest of the barbarians. .h.i.t his chest in a way of showing respect. The necklaces and ornaments he wore rattled.

”Greetings. Welcome to our temporary home, Warriors of the North Lands.”

Surprise flashed over their faces, quickly replaced by pleasure.

”We come with a message from our chieftain. He wishes to meet with you. We have moved to the Valley of Horses. It is two days from where your men are.”

He pointed to the wall in the distance.

”The cold comes.”