49 Chapter 49 (1/2)

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Over the next fourteen days, Joseph attended court, and meet with his generals.

”It is good to see that you have slowed down with your fantastical ideas,” said Peter, one day. He sat back enjoying a cookie that Stella had brought up from the kitchens.

Joseph ignored him and turned to Walter. ”I believe that if we can get some of the accounts from the squatters that live in the north, we should be able to figure out what is up there that is edible. That will give us a better idea of what supplies to take.”

”I agree, it's about time those tax-evaders were able to provide some benefit to the kingdom,” said Walter.

”You'll have a hard time getting much of anything from Horton, I'm afraid.” Daniel shook his head as he looked at his untouched cookie. He didn't seem to like sweets much. Joseph looked at Stella and she nodded in understanding.

”I haven't been able to find out much about Horton, besides the fact that he's fat and greedy.”

David laughed despite himself, looking up from his papers where he had been taking notes.

”You're not wrong about him, he is fat and greedy,” agreed David.

”He's also managed to be in charge of most of the kingdom's granaries,” added Timothy, looking thoughtful. ”The man loves breads and sweets, and makes sure that he gets his first.”

”One of the reason's why I don't care much for treats, myself,” said Daniel.

”The thing about Horton, is that he's been placed in charge of making sure all of your supplies are in order,” said Peter, sitting forward.

Joseph looked at him for the first time that day. This was the first thing that had come out of his mouth that was interesting.

”And just how did you find that out?” asked Walter.

Peter looked uncomfortable, but enjoyed the attention. ”Duke Winston informed me just last night.”

”That's going to be a real pain in the neck if you ask me,” said Danial looking disgusted.

”The man's so obscene, he has servants carry him around because he can't walk, and they have to wipe is own a.s.s, because he can't reach it anymore!” growled Walter in revulsion.

”I've heard he eats enough for a grown man at each meal, and has six meals a day,” added Timothy, looking around for praise for being able to add to the conversation.

Joseph looked thoughtful. ”Any chances we can have him go with us?”