48 Chapter 48 Praise From The King (1/2)
Court, the next morning, was very interesting. Joseph had agreed with all of the members of his small group, the evening before, that today should be spent sitting in on court.
Duke Cesilea (p.r.o.nounced see silly) stepped up to make a proposal to the king, after about an hour into court. After his b.u.t.t kissing period, he finally proposed his idea.
”Your majesty, because of the central location of my territory, it only seems appropriate that I be the one to organize the many mages under you, and the Court of Mages, for you during this time of turmoil. I will see to it, that the mages are put to good use ensuring that there is no shortage of food or commodities during this time of hards.h.i.+p. I'm sure that you would agree, that you are very busy with the war coming from two different directions, and I am sure that I am more than capable of handling such an important task of the kingdom as a duke instead of just as a foreign merchant.”
Joseph knew from his etiquette training that this was a serious dig at the king and his ability to make decisions. Glancing at the king's face, he hadn't missed the dig either. Judging by the slight twitch of his eyebrow, he was fully aware of the implications behind the duke's words. Joseph couldn't tell if he was intentionally trying to get the king to disregard his idea of using the mages to help the kingdom solely to hurt him, or because he had so many mages, he didn't want them conscripted by the king. It was probably both.
If the king went with his proposal, then he would get control of all of the kingdom mages, and if the king opposed it, it made sure others wouldn't be able to easily get his mages.
”Enough!” shouted the king in rage as the court erupted into turmoil. ”There will be a recess until after lunch so that I may meet with my advisors to determine the merits of the request, as well as who should be appointed to the position.”
Marquis Eli Rosenwald, General Walter's nephew, quickly stood up.
”Your majesty! Please, grant me a few moments of your time to discuss the northern wall!”
Walter was supposed to pa.s.s a few sketches and some notes to the guard captain and current commander of the kingdom's army before he headed north, but Joseph hadn't had the time to get the notes polished. Mostly, he was worried about them being misrepresented when they proposed the idea, and would get rejected. Joseph glared at Walter and the Marquis.
Walter had the decency to avoid his eyes, but the marquis smirked. The king saw everything, of course.
”I will discuss it with my advisors,” growled the king.
Eli lost his smirk as the king turned towards him.
”I will discuss it with Joseph, not you Marquis.”
”Your majesty, I a.s.sure you I had not intended for anyone to use my notes. I merely left them on my table while I ate lunch. Perhaps those who are meeting with me are taking my ideas to others…” Joseph tried to explain, but the king jumped in.
Sitting down, calmly, he tried to ignore the words of the king. His heart jumped and he broke out into a cold sweat as the much larger man screamed and swore at him, coming very close to breaking the contract. He just kept telling himself that the king was merely upset with the situation, that he really didn't mean to threaten his life or liberty as he was.