Part 40 (1/2)

”Did he get away?” questioned Benson quickly

”He did and he didn't,” answered Cass ”He ran up Cedar Cliff, and seeing ere after him he tried to ju in the dark, and went down, and that's the last we seen or heard of him”

”And that's the last anybody will see or hear of him,” answered the old scout ”That canyon is three hundred feet deep, and nothing but sharp rocks, sides and bottom He's done for”

ThePotts to walk between hihtly behind him

”If you make any noise it will cost you your life,” said Benson to the prisoner, and thereupon Potts becahly downcast, and his face was filled with despair

They calculated that it o o'clock in the ained, a wild spot, from which old Benson had often viewed the fort, miles below, in the valley

The driest possible brush was gathered, and on this were heaped several good-sized liht burn an hour or two Quarter of a mile away another similar fire was kindled, and at this spot the boys set off all but one of their re rockets

”There is the answer from the fort!” said Joe, as two rockets flared up in the diotten this far”

”But he doesn't know of the adventure we have had on the way,” said Darry

As soon as the fires ell under way old Benson began to lead the way down thewithin half a mile of the fort

While they were in thebroke upon their ears

”Is that from the fort?” asked Joe quickly

”Reckon it is, lad,” replied the old scout

”Then our signals haven't done any good”

”Perhaps they have But it ht in the sa”

As they advanced the firing died away for half an hour, but then it was reneith vigor

Co to another hilltop, they could see the flashes, of fire as the rifles and cannon were discharged

The Indians and desperadoes had approached Fort Carson in the darkness, hoping to catch those inside napping

But the regulars had opened the firing, and two Indians were killed at the very outset

The red e quantity of brush, and at the risk of their lives they heaped this against the wooden stockade

When Joe and the others ith hihold they saw that the brush was burning at a lively rate

”They are firing the fort!” cried Darry ”Heaven haveof Indians or desperadoes,” said Joe ”Where have they gone, Benson?”

”Reckon they didn't like those last signals,” answered the old scout