Part 39 (1/2)

At the last iven the boys half a dozen rockets, and explained how the fireworks were to be set off Everything they could do to puzzle the eneained the top of Conner's Hill--so called because Major Conner fell there while battling with so around his bugle, Cass blew a long blast and then a regular hout theroll on the drule

After this all waited i in the direction of the fort, which was, of course, hidden in the darkness

”There they go!” cried Joe, and as he spoke two rockets flared up, dying out almost instantly

The boys had planted two of the fireworks given the skyward, leaving a trail of sparks behind

Two le rocket went up from the fort

”That's the last,” observed old Benson

”I'll wager that will set the Indians and the desperadoes to thinking,”

said Cass

”They'll think some more when they see a camp-fire over Decker's Falls,”

put in Bernstein ”They'll i surrounded”

”Don't be too sure,” came froh tooIf we can only make him hold off a bit that's as much as we can expect You can bet he'll have spies up here in less than an hour from now”

The march was now for Decker's Falls, a distance three ain they advanced in Indian file, Bernstein now leading and old Benson bringing up the rear

A ular in front called a halt

”A sh the trees”

Without delay old Benson went forward to investigate

He found three desperadoes talking earnestly a so to their talk he learned that they had been out on the trails leading to Fort Prescott, and had come in with the news that no re-enforcements for Fort Carson ithin forty miles of the latter place

”Gilroy and White Ox will be glad to hear our news,” said one of the crowd ”They've been afraid all along Colonel Fairfield had sent out for aid”

Not stopping to hear anything further, old Benson crawled back to the place where he had left the others

”We must capture those men, dead or alive,” he said ”If they carry their news to the enemy there will be another attack on the fort within an hour”

Leaving the dru rockets in a safe place, our friends advanced until all could see the three desperadoes quite plainly

One of the felloas unknown to Joe, but the others were Gus Fetter and Nat Potts