Part 16 (1/2)
Article in Journal des Luxus und Bertuch Weimar, 1805 der Moden
”Brevi notizie istorchie della vita Mayer Bergamo, 1809 e delle opere di Guis. Haydn.”
Obituary in the Vaterland. Blatter ... Vienna, 1809 fur den ost Kaiserstaat
”Der Nagedachtenis van J. Haydn” Kinker Amsterdam, 1810
”Biographische Notizen uber Griezinger Leipzig, 1810 Joseph Haydn”
”Biographische Nachrichten von Dies Vienna, 1810 Joseph Haydn”
”Joseph Haydn” Arnold Erfurt, 1810; 2nd ed., 1825
”Notice sur J. Haydn” Framery Paris, 1810
”Notice historique sur la vie et les Le Breton Paris, 1810 ouvrages de Haydn” in the Moniteur.
This was reprinted in the ”Bibliographie Musicale,” Paris, 1822.
It was also translated into Portuguese, with additions by Silva-Lisboa.
Rio Janeiro, 1820
”Essai Historique sur la vie ... Stra.s.sburg, 1812 de J. Haydn”
”Le Haydine,” etc. Carpani Milan, 1812; This work was essentially reproduced, 2nd edition, without acknowledgment, in ”Lettres enlarged, ecrites de Vienne en Autriche,” etc., Padua, 1823 by L. A. C. Bombet, Paris, 1814; republished as ”Vie de Haydn, Mozart et Metastase,” par Stendhal, Paris, 1817. Bombet and Stendhal are both pseudonyms of Henri Beyle. An English translation of the 1814 work was published in London by John Murray, in 1817, under the t.i.tle of ”The Life of Haydn in a Series of Letters,” etc.
”Biogr. Notizen” Grosser Hirschberg, 1826
”Allg. Encyclopadie der Ersch und Gruber Leipzig, 1828 Wissenschaften und Kunste,”
2nd section, 3rd part, with a biographical sketch by Frohlich
”Allg. Wiener Musikzeitung” ... 1843
”J. Haydn in London, 1791 and 1792” KarajanVienna, 1861
”Joseph Haydn und sein Bruder Michael” Wurzbach Vienna, 1861
”Joseph Haydn” Ludwig Nordhausen, 1867
”Mozart and Haydn in London” Pohl Vienna, 1867
”Joseph Haydn.” Pohl ...
This, the first comprehensive biography of Haydn, was published --the first half of Vol. I. in 1875, the second half in 1882.
After the death of Pohl in 1887 it was completed (1890) by E. V. Mandyczewski
Notice in ”Biographie Universelle” Fetis ...