Part 15 (1/2)

Haydn J. Cuthbert Hadden 21500K 2022-07-22

1 Regina Coeli.

2 Aves Reginas; Responsoria de Venerabili.

1 Cantilena pro Aventu (German words).

6 sacred arias.

2 duets.


”The Creation.”

”The Seasons.”

”Il Ritorno di Tobia.”

”The Seven Words.”

”Invocation of Neptune.”

”Applausus Musicus.” For the festival of a prelate, 1768.

Cantata for the birthday of Prince Nicolaus, 1763.

Cantata ”Die Erwahlung eines Kapellmeisters.”


Italian Operas:

”La Canterina,” 1769; ”L'Incontro Improviso,” 1776; ”Lo Speciale,” 1768; ”Le Pescatrice,” 1780; ”Il Mondo della Luna,” 1877; ”L'Isola Disabitata,” 1779; ”Armida,” 1782; ”L'Infedelta Delusa,” 1773; ”La Fedelta Premiata,” 1780; ”La Vera Constanza,” 1786; ”Acide e Galatea,” 1762; ”Orlando Paladino,” 1782; ”Orfeo,” London, 1794.

German Opera or Singspiel, ”Der Neue Krumme Teufel.”

5 marionette operas.

Music for ”Alfred,” a tragedy, and various other plays.



12 German lieder, 1782; 12 ditto, 1784; 12 single songs; 6 original canzonets, London, 1796; 6 ditto; ”The Spirit Song,” Shakespeare (F minor); ”O Tuneful Voice” (E flat), composed for an English lady of position; 3 English songs in MS.; 2 duets; 3 three-part and 10 four-part songs; 3 choruses, MS.; 1 ditto from ”Alfred”; The Austrian National Anthem, for single voice and in 4 parts; 42 canons in 2 and more parts; 2 ditto; ”The Ten Commandments” set to canons; the same with different words under the t.i.tle ”Die zehn Gesetze der Kunst”; symphonies and accompaniments for national songs in the collections of Whyte, Napier and George Thomson.

22 airs mostly inserted in operas.

”Ariana a Naxos,” cantata for single voice and pianoforte, 1790.

”Deutschlands Klage auf den Tod Friedrichs der Grossen,”

cantata for single voice, with baryton accompaniment, 1787.