Part 13 (2/2)
39. To the singer, Babett,...................................50
40. To my cousin, the saddler's wife, in Eisenstadt,.........50 To her daughter,........................................300
41. To Mesdemoiselles Anna and Josepha Dillin,..............100
42. To the blind daughter of Herr Graus, leader of the choir in Eisenstadt (erased),.......................100
43. To the four sisters Sommerfeld, daughters of the wigmaker in Presburg,...............................200
44. To Nannerl, daughter of Herr Weissgerb, my neighbour (erased),......................................50
45. To Herr Art, merchant in the Kleine,..........50
46. To the pastor in Rohrau,.................................12
47. To the schoolmaster in Rohrau,............................6
48. To the school children,...................................3
49. To Herr Wamerl, formerly with Count v. Harrach,..........50
50. To his present cas.h.i.+er,..................................50
51. To Count v. Harrach for the purpose of defraying the bequests Nos. 51 and 52, I bequeath an obligation of 6000 florins at 5 per cent., the interest to be disposed of as follows:
To the widow Aloysia Polzelli, formerly singer at Prince Nikolaus Esterhazy's, payable in ready money six weeks after my death,................100
And each year, from the date of my death, for her life, the interest of the above capital,............150
After her death her son, Anton Polzelli, to receive 150 florins for one year, having always been a good son to his mother and a grateful pupil to me. N.B.--I hereby revoke the obligation in Italian, signed by me, which may be produced by Mdme. Polzelli, otherwise so many of my poor relations with greater claims would receive too little. Finally, Mdme. Polzelli must be satisfied with the annuity of 150 florins. After her death the half of the above capital, viz., 3000 florins, to be divided into two shares--one-half (1500) to devolve on the Rohrau family, for the purpose of keeping in good order the monument erected to me by Count von Harrach, and also that of my deceased father at the door of the sacristy. The other half to be held in trust by the Count, and the annual interest of the sum, namely, 45 florins, to be divided between any two orphans in Rohrau.
52. To my niece, Anna Lungmayer, payable six weeks after my death,..........................................100 Likewise a yearly annuity to her husband and herself,....150 All these legacies and obligations, and also the proceeds of the sale of my house and legal costs, to be paid within one year of my death; all the other expenses to be deducted from the sum of ready money in the hands of the executors, who must account to the heir for the same. On their demise this annuity to go to their children until they come of age, and after that period the capital to be equally divided among them. Of the remaining 950 florins, 500 to become the property of my beloved Count v. Harrach, as the depositary of my last will and testament, and 300 I bequeath to the agent for his trouble.
The residue of 150 florins to go to my stepmother, and, if she be no longer living, to her children. N.B.--Should Mdme. Lungmayer or her husband produce any doc.u.ment signed by me for a larger sum, I wish it to be understood, as in the case of Mdme. Polzelli, that it is to be considered null and void, as both Mdme. Lungmayer and her husband, owing to my great kindness, lavished more than 6000 florins of mine during my life, which my own brother and the citizens in Oedenberg and Eisenstadt can testify.
(From No. 51 is repeatedly and thickly scored out.)
53. To the widow Theresia Eder and her two daughters, lacemakers,...............................................150
54. To my pupil, Anton Polzelli,..............................100
55. To poor blind Adam in Eisenstadt,..........................24
56. To my gracious Prince, my gold Parisian medal and the letter that accompanied it, with a humble request to grant them a place in the museum at Forchtentein.
57. To Mdlle. C. Czeck, waiting-woman to Princess Graschalkowitz (erased),.................................1000
58. To Fraulein Anna Bucholz,.................................100 Inasmuch as in my youth her grandfather lent me 150 florins when I greatly needed them, which, however, I repaid fifty years ago.