Part 13 (1/2)
12. To the two workwomen there (erased, and replaced by: ”To the shoemaker, Anna Loder, in Vienna”),........200 Should she presume to make any written claims, I declare them to be null and void, having already paid for her and her profligate husband, Joseph Lungmayer, more than 6000 gulden.
13. To the shoemaker in Garhaus, Theresa Hammer,............500
14. To her son, the blacksmith, Matthias Frohlich,..........500
15.&16. To the eldest child of my deceased sister, Anna Wimmer, and her husband, at Meolo, in Hungary,.....500
17. To her married daughter at Kaposwar,....................100
18. To the other three children (erased),...................300
19. To the married Dusse, nee Scheeger,.....................300
20. To her imbecile brother, Joseph (erased),...............100
21. To her brother, Karl Scheeger, silversmith, and his wife,...................................................900
22. To the son of Frau von Koller,..........................300
23. To his son (erased),....................................100
24. To the sister of my late wife (erased).
25. To my servant, Johann Elssler,.........................2500 Also one year's wages, likewise a coat, waistcoat and a pair of trousers. (According to Griesinger, Haydn bequeathed a capital of 6000 florins to this faithful servant and copyist.)
26. To Rosalia Weber, formerly in my service,...............300 (She has a written certificate of this from me.)
27. To my present maid-servant, Anna Kremnitzer,...........1000 And a year's wages in addition. Also, her bed and bedding and two pairs of linen sheets; also, four chairs, a table, a chest of drawers, the watch, the clock and the picture of the Blessed Virgin in her room, a flat-iron, kitchen utensils and crockery, one water-pail, and other trifles.
28. To my housekeeper, Theresia Meyer,......................500 And one year's wages,.................................20
29. To my old gardener, Michel,..............................24
30. To the Prince's Choir for my obsequies, to share alike (erased),......................................100
31. To the priest (erased),..................................12
32. To the pastor in Eisenstadt for a solemn ma.s.s,............5
33. To his clerk,.............................................2
34. To the beneficiary,.......................................2
35. To Pastor von Nollendorf,.................................2
36. To Pastor von St Georg,...................................2
37. To the s.e.xton (erased from 33),...........................1
38. To the organ-bellows' blower,.............................1