Volume IV Part 70 (1/2)

COLLINS, LEWIS. Historical Sketches of Kentucky. Cincinnati. 1847.


CONNECTICUT. Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut. May Sessions 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826. Hartford, n. d.

COOLEY, THOMAS MCINTYRE. A Treatise on the Const.i.tutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union. Boston. 1868.

COOPER, THOMAS, _editor_. Statutes at Large of South Carolina. Vols.

1-5. Columbia, S.C. 1836.

CORWIN, EDWARD SAMUEL. John Marshall and the Const.i.tution. New Haven.


COTTON, JOSEPH P., JR., _editor_. Const.i.tutional Decisions of John Marshall. 2 vols. New York. 1905.

COWEN, EZEKIEL, _reporter_. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court ... of the State of New York. 9 vols. Albany. 1824-30.


CRANCH, WILLIAM, _reporter_. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. 9 vols. New York. 1812-17. (Cranch.)

CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR. Life of Daniel Webster. 2 vols. New York. 1870.


DEWEY, DAVIS RICH. Financial History of the United States. New York.

1903. [American Citizen Series.] (Dewey.)

d.i.c.kINSON, H. W. Robert Fulton, Engineer and Artist: His Life and Works.

London. 1913. (d.i.c.kinson.)

DILLON, JOHN FORREST, _compiler and editor_. John Marshall: Life, Character and Judicial Services, as portrayed in the Centenary Proceedings throughout the United States on Marshall Day. 1901. 3 vols.

Chicago. 1903. (Dillon.)

DODD, WILLIAM EDWARD, _editor_. _See_ John P. Branch Historical Papers.

---- Statesmen of the Old South. New York. 1911.

DONNAN, ELIZABETH, _editor_. _See_ Bayard, James A. Papers.

DUER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. A Letter addressed to Cadwallader D. Colden, Esquire. In Answer to the Strictures contained in his ”Life of Robert Fulton,” etc. Albany 1817.

_Edinburgh Review._

EMBARGO LAWS, with the Message from the President, upon which they were founded. Boston. 1809.

FARMER, JOHN. Sketches of the Graduates of Dartmouth College. Concord.

1832. 1834. [In _New Hamps.h.i.+re Historical Society_. Collections. Volumes 3 and 4.]