Volume IV Part 69 (1/2)

ABEL, ANNIE HeLOISE. The History of Events resulting in Indian Consolidation west of the Mississippi. [Volume 1 of _Annual Report of the American Historical a.s.sociation_ for 1906.]

ADAMS, HENRY. History of the United States of America from 1801 to 1817.

9 vols. New York. 1889-93. (Adams: _U.S._)

---- Life of Albert Gallatin. Philadelphia. 1879. (Adams: _Gallatin_.)

ADAMS, HENRY, _editor_. Doc.u.ments relating to New England Federalism, 1800-15. Boston. 1877. (_N.E. Federalism_: Adams.)

---- _See also_ Gallatin, Albert. Writings.

ADAMS, JOHN. _See_ Old Family Letters.

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Memoirs. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. 12 vols.

Philadelphia. 1874-77. (_Memoirs, J. Q. A._: Adams.)

AMBLER, CHARLES HENRY. Sectionalism in Virginia, from 1776 to 1861.

Chicago. 1910.

---- Thomas Ritchie: A Study in Virginia Politics. Richmond. 1913.

(Ambler: _Ritchie_.)

AMBLER, CHARLES HENRY, _editor_. _See_ John P. Branch Historical Papers.

_American Colonization Society._ Annual Reports, 1-72. 1818-89.

_American Historical Review._ Managing Editor, J. Franklin Jameson.

Vols. 1-24. New York. 1896-1919. (_Am. Hist. Rev._)

_American Jurist and Law Magazine._ 28 vols. Boston. 1829-43.

_American Law Journal._ Edited by John E. Hall. 6 vols. Baltimore.


_American State Papers._ Doc.u.ments, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. Selected and edited under the Authority of Congress. 38 vols. Was.h.i.+ngton. 1832-61. [Citations in this work are from ”Foreign Relations” (_Am. State Papers, For. Rel._); and ”Finance”

(_Am. State Papers, Finance_).]

_American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine._ Edited by J. S. Skinner.

7 vols. Baltimore. 1830-40.

AMES, FISHER. Works. Edited by Seth Ames. 2 vols. Boston. 1854. (_Ames_: Ames.)

AMES, HERMAN VANDENBURG, _editor_. State Doc.u.ments on Federal Relations: The States and the United States. Philadelphia. 1906. (_State Doc. Fed.

Rel._: Ames.)

ANDERSON, DICE ROBINS. William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation, from 1790-1830. Menasha, Wis. 1914. (Anderson.)

BABc.o.c.k, KENDRIC CHARLES. Rise of American Nationality, 1811-1819. New York. 1906. [Volume 13 of _The American Nation: A History_.] (Babc.o.c.k.)