Volume II Part 73 (1/2)

---- Life of George Was.h.i.+ngton. [1st Edition.] 5 vols. Philadelphia.

1805. [2d Edition.] 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1840. [The 2d Edition is cited in this work unless otherwise stated in the notes.] (Marshall.)

_See also_ Thayer, James Bradley. John Marshall.

_And see_ Flanders, Henry. Lives of the Chief Justices.

_Also see_ Van Santvoord, George. Sketches of the Lives of the Chief-Justices.

MASON, GEORGE. Life. _See_ Rowland, Kate Mason.

_Ma.s.sachusetts Historical Society._ Collections. [Series vii.] Vols.

1-10. Boston. 1792-1915. (Ma.s.s. Hist. Soc. Coll.)

MEADE, _Bishop_ WILLIAM. Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia. 2 vols. Richmond. 1910. (Meade.)

MONROE, JAMES. Writings. Edited by Stanislaus Murray Hamilton. 7 vols.

[Unfinished work.] New York. 1898-1903. (Monroe's _Writings_: Hamilton.)

MOORE, FRANK. American Eloquence, A Collection of Speeches and Addresses by the most Eminent Orators of America. 2 vols. New York. 1857. (Moore: _American Eloquence_.)

MORDECAI, SAMUEL. Richmond in By-Gone Days, Being Reminiscences of An Old Citizen. Richmond. 1856. (Mordecai.)

MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT. The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. 2 vols. Boston. 1913. (Morison.)

MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Diary and Letters. Edited by Anne Cary Morris. 2 vols. London. 1889. (Morris.)

MORRIS, ROBERT. _See_ Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxton. Robert Morris.

MORSE, JOHN T. Thomas Jefferson. Boston. 1795. [American Statesmen.]


MUNFORD, GEORGE WYTHE. The Two Parsons; Cupid's Sports; The Dream; and the Jewels of Virginia. Richmond. 1884. (Munford.)

_New Jersey Historical Society._ Proceedings. Vols. 1-10. Newark.

1847-1905. (_Proc._, N.J. Hist. Soc.)

_North American Review._ Vols. 1-202. Boston. 1815-1915.

OBERHOLTZER, ELLIS PAXTON. Robert Morris, Patriot and Financier. New York. 1903. (Oberholtzer.)

OTIS, HARRISON GRAY. Life and Letters. _See_ Morison, Samuel Eliot.

PAINE, ROBERT TREAT, JR. Works, in Verse and Prose, with Sketches of His Life, Character, and Writings. Boston. 1812. (_Works of Robert Treat Paine._)

PAINE, THOMAS. Writings. Edited by Moncure Daniel Conway. 4 vols. New York. 1894-96. (_Writings_: Conway.)

PARTON, JAMES. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. [Fourteenth Edition.]

New York. 1861. (Parton: _Burr_.)

---- Life of Thomas Jefferson. Boston. 1874.