Volume II Part 72 (1/2)

1857-75. (_Hist. Mag._)

HOWE, HENRY. Historical Collections of Virginia. Charleston, S.C. 1845.


HUDSON, FREDERIC. Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. New York. 1873. (Hudson: _Journalism in the United States_.)

HUNT, GAILLARD, _editor_. _See_ Madison, James. Writings.

_Interesting State Papers_, from President Was.h.i.+ngton, M. Fauchet, and M. Adet, etc.; quoted by Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State, in his Defense of his Resignation of that Office. Philadelphia. 1796.

(_Interesting State Papers._)

IREDELL, JAMES. _See_ McRee, Griffith J. Life and Correspondence of James Iredell.

JAY, JOHN. Correspondence and Public Papers. Edited by Henry P.

Johnston. 4 vols. New York. 1890. (_Jay_: Johnston.)

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Works. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Federal Edition. 12 vols. New York. 1904. (_Works_: Ford.)

_See_ Morse, John T. Thomas Jefferson.

_And see_ Randall, Henry S. Life of Thomas Jefferson.

_Also see_ Tucker, George. Life of Thomas Jefferson.

_And see_ Parton, James. Life of Thomas Jefferson.

JOHNSTON, HENRY P., _editor_. _See_ Jay, John. Correspondence and Public Papers.

JOHNSTON, MARY. Lewis Rand. Boston. 1908.

JONES, HUGH. The Present State of Virginia. London. 1724. (Jones.)

KENNEDY, JOHN P. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. 2 vols.

Philadelphia. 1860. (Kennedy.)

KING, CHARLES R., _editor_. _See_ King, Rufus. Life and Correspondence.

KING, RUFUS. Life and Correspondence. Edited by Charles R. King. 6 vols.

New York. 1894. (King.)

LANCASTER, ROBERT A., JR. Historic Virginia Homes and Churches, with 316 Ill.u.s.trations. Philadelphia. 1915.

LANFREY, PIERRE. The History of Napoleon the First. 4 vols. London.

1871-79. (Lanfrey: _Napoleon_.)


Travels through the United States of North America. 4 vols. London.

1800. (La Rochefoucauld.)

_Lippincott's Monthly Magazine._ A Popular Journal of General Literature. [1st Series.] Vols. 1-62. Philadelphia. 1868-98.