Volume II Part 71 (1/2)

CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM. _See_ Adams, John. Correspondence.

DALLAS, A. J. _See_ United States. Supreme Court Reports.

DAVIS, JOHN. Travels of Four Years and a half in the United States of America. 1798-1802. London. 1803. (Davis.)

DAVIS, MATTHEW L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, with miscellaneous selections from his correspondence. 2 vols. New York. 1838. (Davis: _Burr_.)

_Dedham [Ma.s.s.] Historical Register._ Vols. 1-14. Dedham Historical Society, Dedham, Ma.s.s. 1890-1903. (_Dedham Historical Register._)

DE WARVILLE. _See_ Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre.

DILLON, JOHN F., _compiler_. John Marshall, Life, Character, and Judicial Services. (Including the Cla.s.sic Orations of Binney, Story, Phelps, Waite, and Rawle.) 3 vols. Chicago. 1903. (Story, in Dillon; and Binney, in Dillon.)

DODD, WILLIAM E. Statesmen of the Old South, or From Radicalism to Conservative Revolt. New York. 1911. (Dodd.)

DONNAN, ELIZABETH, _editor_. _See_ Bayard, James A. Papers.

ECKENRODE, H. J. The Revolution in Virginia. Boston. 1916. (Eckenrode: _R. V._)

---- Separation of Church and State in Virginia. A Study in the Development of the Revolution. Richmond. 1910. [Special Report of the Department of Archives and History of the Virginia State Library.]

(Eckenrode: _S. of C. and S._)

ELLSWORTH, _Chief Justice_ OLIVER. Life. _See_ Brown, William Garrott.

FINDLEY, WILLIAM. History of the Insurrection, in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794. Philadelphia. 1796.

(Findley: _History of the Western Insurrection_.)

FLANDERS, HENRY. The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1881.


FORD, PAUL LEICESTER, _editor_. _See_ Jefferson, Thomas. Works.

FORD, WORTHINGTON CHAUNCEY, _editor_. _See_ Jefferson, Thomas.


_Also see_ Was.h.i.+ngton, George. Writings.

And _see also_ Adams, John Quincy. Writings.

_Also see_ Vans Murray, William. Letters.

FRENEAU, PHILIP. Poems of Philip Freneau. Edited by Fred Lewis Pattee. 3 vols. Princeton. 1902-07. (Freneau.)

FUNCK-BRENTANO, FRANTZ. Legends of the Bastille, translated by George Maidment. London. 1899. (Funck-Brentano: _Legends of the Bastille_.)

GALLATIN, ALBERT. Writings. Edited by Henry Adams. 3 vols. Philadelphia.

1879. (Gallatin's _Writings_: Adams.)

_See also_ Adams, Henry. Life of Albert Gallatin.