Part 21 (1/2)
”It's about the way I feel, too,” said the new comer, dropping wearily into the easy chair pushed toward him. ”Heath, you are a good fellow, and I can't blame you for thinking me a cad. Don't stop your smoke.”
”Why as to that,” replied the doctor, easily, and taking a long pull at his pipe, ”we are all cads, more or less, in certain emergencies, and yours was an unusually severe blow. We all have to take them in some shape or other, at one time, or another; these soft hands. .h.i.t hard, but--it's the penalty we pay for being sons of Adam. Although now that I come to think of it, I can't recall that I ever insisted upon being a son of Adam.”
”Why!” said Raymond Vandyck, opening his eyes in languid surprise, ”you talk as if _you_ had received one of those hard hits.”
”So I have, my boy; so I have,” he replied _debonairly_. ”If I were a woman I would get out a fresh handkerchief and tell you all about it.
Being a man I--smoke.”
Young Vandyck sighed heavily, and picked up a newspaper, running his eye listlessly over the columns. Here was another upon whom the flight of Sybil Lamotte had fallen a heavy blow. He had loved Sybil since they were boy and girl, and lately for a few short months they had been betrothed, then Sybil had asked to be released, and in such a manner that it left him no room for remonstrance. The engagement had been broken, but the young man had not quite abandoned hope.
Now, however, hope had deserted him. Sybil was lost to him utterly, and hearing the news of her flight he had rushed into Doctor Heath's presence a temporary madman. He could not have found a wiser or more sympathetic friend and adviser, and he fully realized this fact. The doctor's patience, delicacy and discretion had screened him from the prying eyes and prating tongues of the curious ones, who were anxious to probe his wounds, and see how ”Vandyck would take it,” and had made him his firm friend for always.
Ever since the advent of Doctor Heath, Vandyck had been one of his warmest admirers, and this admiration had now ripened into a sincere and lasting friends.h.i.+p.
”You are a good fellow, Heath,” said Vandyck, suddenly, throwing down his paper. ”I want to tell you that I appreciate such kindness as you did me. I don't suppose you would ever go off your head like that. I shan't again.”
”No, I don't think you will,” responded the doctor soberly. ”As for going off my head, Lord bless you, man, it's in the temperament. I might never lose my head in just that way. We're not made alike, you see. Now I should be struck with a dumb devil, and grow surly and cynical as time went on, and of all contemptible men a cynic is the worst. You will have your burst of pa.s.sion, and carry a tender spot to your grave, but you can't squeeze all the suns.h.i.+ne out of your soul, any more than out of your Saxon face.”
Vandyck laughed dismally.
”It's hard lines, however,” he said. ”But I'm bound to face the music.
Only--I wish I could understand it.”
”So do all her friends. Ray, let me give you a little advice.”
”After a little, go call on Miss Wardour and talk with her about this affair. I think she knows as much as is known, and I am certain she has not lost her faith in her friend.”
”Thank you, Heath; I will.”
Just here the office door admitted another visitor in the form of Francis Lamotte.
He, too, looked pale and worn, but he carried his head erect, if not with some defiance. ”Do, Heath. Morning, Vandyck,” he mumbled, flinging himself upon a settee with scant ceremony. ”You will excuse me from asking 'what's the news?'”
”I should ask what's the matter?” retorted Clifford Heath, eyeing him closely.
”Fix me up one of your potions, Heath,” replied Francis, drawing a hard deep breath. ”I've had another of those cursed attacks.”
Dr. Heath arose and went slowly toward a cabinet, slowly unlocked it and then turned and surveyed his patient.
”Another attack,” he said somewhat severely, ”the second one in three days, and not a light one, if I can judge. Let me tell you, Lamotte, you must not have a third of these attacks for some time to come.”
[Ill.u.s.tration: ”You must not have a third attack.”]
”I won't,” replied Lamotte, with a nervous laugh. ”This one has done me up; I feel weak as a kitten, meek as a lamb.”
”Humph,” this from Doctor Heath, who proceeded to drop into a druggist's gla.s.s, sundry globules of dark liquid, which he qualified with other globules from another bottle, and then half filling the gla.s.s with some pale brandy, handed it to Lamotte who drained it off eagerly.
”Physician, heal thyself,” quoted Raymond Vandyck, watching the patient with some interest. ”Why don't you do your own dosing, Lamotte?”