Part 4 (1/2)

In fact, so peculiar is her nature, that very few things have power to annoy her; but, just now, she is annoyed because she _is_ annoyed.

”As the queen pleases,” Frank Lamotte had said; and all her fair twenty-one years of life events had been ordered ”as the queen pleased.”

She had been taught self-reliance, so she told him; she had inherited self-reliance, she might have said, inherited it along with the rich, strong, fearless blood, the haughtiness, the independence, and the intolerance of the Wardours.

The haughtiness was only for those who presumed; the intolerance for those she despised; and Miss Wardour was quite capable of that strong sentiment, or feeling. The independence was an ever present element of her nature.

Of medium height, she was neither slender nor plump, graceful curves, perfect outlines, faultless gait and gesture; she, ”slew her tens of thousands,” and bore herself like a princess royal toward all.

Without being regularly beautiful, her face is very fair to see. Being, in spite of her haughtiness, most kind and considerate toward inferiors and dependents, and withal exceeding lovable, she is disqualified for a novel heroine by her excessive humanness; and, by that same humanness, eminently qualified to be loved by all who know her, gentle and simple.

Just now her firm little mouth is pursed up, and her brow is wrinkled into a frown, such as never is seen on the face of any orthodox heroine; but, her thoughts are very orthodox, as heroines go. She is wondering why Doctor Heath has not made his second appearance at Wardour Place, when she so plainly signified her desire to see him there, again, and soon.

Not that she had bidden him come in so many words; but, had she not looked? had she not smiled? Not that she felt any special interest in Dr. Heath; oh, not at all, only she was bored, and worried, and wanted to be amused, and entertained; and Clifford Heath _could_ be entertaining.

Sybil Lamotte's unopened note lies on the dressing table. She has pondered over that half the afternoon, and has wondered, and guessed, at its meaning; turning over in her mind every explanation probable, and possible, but satisfied with none. She is wonderfully lacking in curiosity, for a woman, but for this she might not have withstood the temptation to antic.i.p.ate the sunset; for she never has felt so curious about a mystery in her life.

She turns abruptly from the window, and her eyes fall upon Sybil's note, her thoughts return to it again. But it is not quite sunset.

Picking it up, she re-reads for the twentieth time the puzzling lines, then she throws it down impatiently.

”Bah!” she exclaims; ”You wretched little white enigma! you are tempting me to forget myself. I shall flee from the fascination of your mysterious face, for I am quite certain that Joshua's chariot is abroad, and the sun is standing still in the skies.”

So saying, she goes out, closing and locking the dressing-room door, and descends the stately stairs; at their foot she pauses in full view of the entrance, for there, hat in hand, appears the subject of her recent discontent, Doctor Heath. Surely there must be something depressing in the atmosphere, Constance thinks, as she goes forward to meet him; for his face wears a grave, troubled look not usually seen there.

”Oh, Doctor Heath,” she says, half reproachfully, and fabricating after the manner of her s.e.x, ”here I have been trying to evoke from my 'inner consciousness' what manner of man your great detective might be. You barely introduced him, and then you flitted; and I do so much dislike the 'To be continued' style.”

”So do I,” he replies, soberly, as he follows her into the drawing room.

”So much that I shall make the story I have come to tell, as brief as maybe. Miss Wardour, have you heard any news from the town--since noon?”

”Not a word,” moving across the room, and drawing back the curtain so that the last rays of sunlight fall across the floor. ”Is there any news? Have they found a trace of my robbers?”

”For the time being, your robbers, are forgotten,” smiling slightly.

”W---- has had a fresh sensation this afternoon.”

”So! and I have become a lesser light? Well, so goes the world! Of course it won't be as interesting as the story of my own woes; but, who is the newest candidate for sensational honors?”

”Your friend, Miss Sybil Lamotte.”

Instantly her careless tone changes to one of gravity. For a moment she has forgotten Sybil, and her note; now she remembers both, and involuntarily glances out toward the west. The sun is almost gone, but still darts red gleams across the sky. Moving nearer she seats herself, and scans his face a moment, and then, while she motions him to a seat opposite her, says, in that low even tone that is usual to her in all serious moods.

”And what of Sybil Lamotte?” Her eyes search his face; instinctively she knows that something serious has happened; she dreads, yet, with her natural bravery, resolves to hear the worst at once.

”She has--eloped.”

”Eloped! But why? Sybil eloped--then it must be with Ray Vandyck,”

drawing a breath of relief.

”No,” gloomily. ”It is _not_ Raymond Vandyck. That would have been simply a piece of romantic folly, since no one would long oppose Ray, but this--this thing that she has done, is worse than folly, it is crime, madness.”

”Not Ray! and yet Sybil lo--Doctor Heath tell the whole truth, the very worst, quickly.”