Part 3 (1/2)

”Too bad,” again broke in young Lamotte, with something very like a sneer upon his handsome face. ”Let me repair the damage. I'll tell him to call--”

”Oh, not at all, Frank; pardon my interruption,” said the girl, turning her eyes full upon him with artful artlessness. ”You are very good, but it's quite unnecessary. Dr. Heath promised to call again during the day or evening.”

Frank Lamotte bit his lip, but kept silent; and the elder man came to the rescue. He had been thinking, and without seeming to have noticed the little pa.s.sage at arms, he arose and said: ”Well, Constance, I don't see that talking will do much good just now; what the occasion demands is action. My first impulse was to telegraph at once for an officer from the city force, but, on reflection, I think it better not to use the telegraph. Our every movement may be closely noted, and to send a message would be to set some one watching for the arrival of a detective, and once his ident.i.ty becomes known, farewell to his prospects of success. It will take a few hours longer to get him here, but I think I had better visit the city in person, lay the case before our man, and so enable him to enter the town prepared for his work, and able to maintain his incognito. I have business of my own in the city, and Mrs. Lamotte is anxious to do some shopping. Women are always anxious to shop, I believe. I will return home at once, and give her warning; it will look less like a business trip if she accompanies me.

How does this plan suit you?”

”Any plan that brings us a competent officer as early as possible, will suit me,” replied Constance. ”It's _very_ good of you to take all this trouble, Mr. Lamotte.”

”Nothing of the sort,” expostulated Mr. Lamotte, heartily. ”I am always at the service of my daughter's dearest friend. By the by, Sybil is not yet aware of your loss. I did not enlighten her, for I knew she would insist upon coming with me, and that,” smiling a little, ”would have necessitated waiting for toilette.”

”And apropos of toilettes,” cried his son, springing up. ”There is _Mere_, she will want due warning, for nothing short of a full hour will she take. So, sir, let's take a look at Soames and Corliss, and hasten our departure.”

”Right; quite right, Frank, I will appoint you as my representative in my absence. You are to execute any and all of Miss Wardour's commands.”

”I am ready to do that at any and all times,” replied the young man, with sudden gravity, and letting his dark eyes rest for a moment upon the face of the lady in question. And then, without waiting for an answering remark, he turned from the room, followed by his father and the two ladies.

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”I am ready to do that at any and all times.”]

They found Corliss making his final sprawl, and the entire committee of investigation ready with any quant.i.ty of newly hatched theories, probable and improbable. Cutting short their eloquence, however, Mr.

Lamotte recommended them to talk as little as possible among the townspeople, and to pursue the investigation quietly, after their own light. Then, after a few more words with the fair heiress, father and son took their leave.

Left alone, Constance sprang lightly out from the open library window, and began pacing the graveled walk, with a brow wrinkled in thought.

Hearing a step behind her, she turned to encounter once more the gaze of Francis Lamotte.

”I beg your pardon,” he said, quite humbly. ”I was commissioned by Sybil to give you this,” extending a dainty white note. ”In the excitement of the morning I quite forgot it. Sybil gave me it last evening, asking me to deliver it this morning,” and lowering his voice, ”knowing it would be for me an exceedingly delightful mission.”

Constance took the missive, and twisting it carelessly in her fingers, said:

”Of course, Frank; many thanks. And now, as you are under my commands, I forbid any more flattery and nonsense, sir. I am not in the mood to retort.”

”So much the better for me,” muttered the young man, moodily.

”Constance, I--”

”Silence, sir! Have you not received your orders? My mind is on my losses. If you can think of no way to further our search, I shall dismiss you.”

”I have thought of a way, then,” he replied, with a touch of dignity. ”I think one point has been overlooked. Those robbers have undoubtedly fled the town with their treasure, but it is hardly likely that they went by any very public thoroughfare. Now one, two or more strangers, traveling across the country, may have been seen by some cottager, farmer, or wood cutter; and I think it would be a mistake to neglect what might give us a clue. Probably the rascals took to their heels during the hours of darkness, making for some small railroad station. Now, I propose to go straightway, mount my horse, and scour the country in search of information. If I find a clew I shall follow it up; and so, if you don't see me by to-morrow morning, Constance, you may know that I have struck the trail.”

”Why, Frank,” cried Constance, in a burst of outspoken admiration. ”I didn't think it was in you! Really, I admire you immensely; and you will really abandon your ease and comfort for--”


”No, don't put it in that way; say for justice.”

”I don't care a fig for justice!” impatiently. ”My motive is purely selfish. If I can be instrumental in recovering your diamonds, may I not hope for some very small reward?”

”To be--sure, Frank. I had overlooked that; a reward of course. I mean to have posters out right away, and--you may as well earn it as any one.”