Part 2 (1/2)
Caesar reported to the Senate, ”I came, I saw, I conquered.”
The question is, What shall we do next?
10. To indicate the omission of the verb in compound sentences having a common verb in several clauses.
One man glories in his strength, another in his wealth, another in his learning.
11. To separate phrases containing the case absolute from the rest of the sentence.
The form having been locked up, a proof was taken.
12. Between words or phrases in apposition to each other.
I refer to DeVinne, the great authority on Printing.
The comma is omitted when such an apposition is used as a single phrase or a compound name.
The poet Longfellow was born in Portland.
The word _patriotic_ is now in extensive use.
13. After phrases and clauses which are placed at the beginning of a sentence by inversion.
Worn out by hard wear, the type at last became unfit for use.
Ever since, he has been fond of celery.
The comma is omitted if the phrase thus used is very short.
Of success there could be no doubt.
14. Introductory phrases beginning with _if_, _when_, _wherever_, _whenever_, and the like should generally be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma, even when the statement may appear to be direct.
When a plain query has not been answered, it is best to follow copy.
If the copy is hard to read, the compositor will set but few pages.
15. To separate introductory words and phrases and independent adverbs from the rest of the sentence.
Now, what are you going to do there?
I think, also, Franklin owed much of his success to his strong common sense.
This idea, however, had already been grasped by others.
Of course the comma is not used when these adverbs are used in the ordinary way.
They also serve who only stand and wait.
This must be done, however contrary to our inclinations.
16. To separate words or phrases of direct address from the context.
I submit, gentlemen, to your judgment.