Part 13 (1/2)
[Footnote 1: By impressing his seal on the Tablet Marduk proved his owners.h.i.+p of the Tablet, and made his claim to it legal.]
123. After he had crushed and overthrown his enemies,
124. He made the haughty enemy to be like the dust underfoot.
125. He established completely Anshar's victory over the enemy,
126. The valiant Marduk achieved the object of Nudimmud (Ea),[1]
[Footnote 1: This is an oblique way of saying that Marduk succeeded where Ea failed.]
127. He imposed strict restraint on the G.o.ds whom he had made captive.
128. He turned back to Tiamat whom he had defeated,
129. The Lord [Marduk] trampled on the rump of Tiamat,
130. With his unsparing club he clave her skull.
131. He slit open the channels (i.e., arteries) of her blood.
132. He caused the North Wind to carry it away to a place underground.
133. His fathers (i.e., the G.o.ds) looked on, they rejoiced, they were glad.
134. They brought unto him offerings of triumph and peace,
135. The Lord [Marduk] paused, he examined Tiamat's carcase.
136. He separated flesh [from] hair,[1] he worked cunningly.
[Footnote 1: The word is _kupu_, i.e., ”reed” or ”sedge.”
It is possible that Marduk skinned Tiamat.]
137. He slit Tiamat open like a flat (?) fish [cut into] two pieces,
138. The one half he raised up and shaded the heavens therewith,
139. He pulled the bolt, he posted a guard,
140. He ordered them not to let her water escape.
141. He crossed heaven, he contemplated the regions thereof.
142. He betook himself to the abode of Nudimmud (Ea) that is opposite to the Deep (Apsu),
143. The Lord Marduk measured the dimensions of the Deep,
144. He founded E-Sharra, a place like unto it,